Green Screen Effects

Getting Started

Anyone can use the green screen effect in videos for FREE using the KineMaster app. Click the image to the left to download the app for your Android or Apple product.

Next, you will need to create a green screen using green fabric from Walmart or you can buy a professional kit. Kits will run from $40 to $200, You will need about 3 yards of fabric so using that option would cost you around $12 plus you will need a method for hanging it up. Pick whichever one fits in your budget!

Building Your Movie

You will need to record your green screen footage before you start the editing process. Be sure to save it in your phone or tablet photo gallery so you can find it easily. Okay, now let's get to creating your movie!

Open the app and choose to the round + button to create your first project.

To add media, you will click the top of the round tool bar where it says......MEDIA.

To add text, images or to complete the green screen effect, you will click add LAYER, and choose what you want to display along with the original media piece. That is how you will create title screens: you will choose a background using the MEDIA button, then choose create a title screen.

Specifically, to do the green screen effect you will click MEDIA to add the background image or video of your choice. Click LAYER and add your green screen video.

With the green screen video selected, you will click on CHROMA KEY....ENABLE...and wala - your green background disappears. You can fine tune it with the small editing buttons.

To publish your video you will click the up arrow in the top right of the screen. KineMaster will ask if you want to pay money to remove the watermark. Choose " no thanks" and continue. Your video will be created and when it is done, you will have the option to download or share on your favorite media sites.

Here is a video that will walk you through the entire process in less than 2 minutes.

Be sure to play around with this app. You can many other special effects, transitions and audio. Just start clicking buttons and before long you will learn how to create beautiful videos in minutes!

Check out my website for more free resources you can use in your classroom!