

We are using Fourwaves and Zoom for synchronous programming during the July 21-22, 2021 event.

We also use Fourwaves for asynchronous display of student posters and supporting materials during and after the event.

Links to all the live sessions will be available on the Fourwaves platform, so be sure to register and verify your account before the event.

Day 1

Paired research talks via Zoom

    • Three pairs of research teams discuss their projects

    • Teams include a faculty member and undergraduate researcher

Networking: Meet a Prof via Zoom

    • 15-20 faculty researchers

    • Learn about their path to becoming a researcher and the projects they are working on

    • Join break-out rooms for networking and Q&A

Breakout Sessions via Zoom

A. Graduate Student Panel

  • Hear from graduate students about their experiences and pathways to graduate school

  • Learn what to expect about getting into graduate school and succeeding on that pathway

B. Professional Development for Faculty Mentors

  • Effective practices for undergraduate research mentors

  • Tips for student engagement


Day 2

Student Lightning Talks via Zoom

    • Seven undergraduate researchers from seven different colleges and universities in Idaho will present their research in 3-minute lightning talks, followed by Q&A

Student Poster Conversation #1A via Zoom Breakout Rooms

    • Group A presents their research in various breakout rooms

    • Participants are randomly assigned to the breakout rooms

Student Poster Conversation #1B via Zoom Breakout Rooms

    • Group B presents their research in various breakout rooms

    • Participants are randomly assigned to the breakout rooms

Student Poster Conversation #2A via Fourwaves

    • Group A presents posters on Fourwaves via an interactive video platform

    • Participants enter the Fourwaves site and are able to select posters of interest and interact with poster authors

Student Poster Conversation #2B via Fourwaves

    • Group B presents posters on Fourwaves via an interactive video platform

    • Participants enter the Fourwaves site and are able to select posters of interest and interact with poster authors
