Integrated Bioelectronic Medicine Laboratory

@ Boise State University

We design and develop integrated circuits for novel sensors, synthetic biology, neurotechnologies, and medical devices. Our integrated solutions sense, compute, and control electrical and chemical biomarkers to implement safe, chronic, and intelligent medical devices. 

Integrated Circuit Design | {Ultra-low Power, Chiplets, Analog/Mixed Signal Systems, Sensors, Imagers}

Neural Engineering | {Bioelectronic Medicine, Neuromodulation, Neural Circuits, Implantable Systems} 


April 2024

Morgan and Francis presented posters at the Graduate Student Showcase.

March 2024

Ant was accepted into the PhD program. He will start this summer.

March 2024

Morgan and Francis presented posters at the IEEE Workshop for Microelectronic Devices (WMED). Morgan won first place!

March 2024

Tala successfully defended his PhD thesis! Congrats, Dr. Tala!

March 2024

Despite the protests, Ben was promoted to Associate Professor

February 2024

Trevor received an INBRE Fellowship for the summer! He will work on time-to-digital converters for DNA memory and wireless impulse communication. 

November 2023

Mehdi successfully defended his PhD thesis! Congrats, Dr. Bandali!

October 2023

Read the BSU press release on the NIH COBRE award here. Sadly, I missed picture day. COBRE = Center of Biomedical Research Excellence

September 2023

Read the BSU press release on the NSF CAREER award here.

July 2023

Morgan gave excellent, back-to-back presentations at EMBC 2023 in Sydney, Australia! Tala, Mehdi, and Katie were co-authors. 

May 2023

Mehdi and Tala presented their work at ISCAS 2023 in Monterey, CA. They both received awards from the NSF for their work!

May 2023

Trivia Master Ant Lakatos and Trumpeter Trevor Pratt have joined the group as undergraduate researchers. Welcome!

April 2023

Morgan, Tala, and Mehdi had two papers accepted for presentation at EMBC 2023 in Sydney! Morgan will present the work in July.

April 2023

Morgan presented at the Graduate Student Showcase at BSU!

April 2023

Mehdi and Tala presented their work at ISCAS 2023 in Monterey, CA. They both received awards from the NSF for their work!

March 2023

Mehdi received the Martin Luther King / Meredyth Burns Scholarship and the Brian J. Bergquist Student Leadership Scholarship for his outstanding service and contributions to human rights. Congrats, Mehdi!

February 2023

Ben received the CAREER award from the NSF for selective neural implants! NSF link

January 2023

Mehdi and Tala each had papers accepted for presentation at ISCAS 2023 in Monterey, CA. Congrats!

January 2023

Francis Mokogwu has joined the group as a PhD Student. Welcome!

December 2022

The Integrated Bioelectronic Medicine Lab receives funding from the NSF through the SemiSynBio-III Program to develop scalable, 3D nucleic acid memory! The project is in collaboration with BSU professors Tim Anderson and Eric Hayden. NSF link