Boise School District Illness Procedure
Staying home when a person has symptoms of illness protects the school community by preventing the spread of illness and allows the person experiencing symptoms of illness the opportunity to rest and recover.
If a person answers yes to any of the questions below it indicates a possible illness, and the individual should stay home. All persons shall ask themselves the following questions daily before entering the school/workplace:
Since the last day of school/work, or last visit to the school or District facility, have you or your child had any of these symptoms that are not attributable to another condition?
New congestion or runny nose OR for students/employees with chronic allergic/asthmatic congestion, a change in their symptoms from baseline
Sore throat
New or unusual onset of severe headache
New or unusual muscle or body aches
New onset fatigue
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or loss of appetite
A temperature of 100.4° F or higher without the use of fever reducing medication
New uncontrolled cough that causes difficulty breathing OR for students/employees with chronic allergic/asthmatic cough, a change in their cough from baseline
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
New loss of taste and/or smell
Some additional reasons to stay at home include:
New or unusual rash
Pink eyes with discharge not associated with diagnosed allergies
The above symptoms may need to be discussed with your healthcare provider.
Notify the child’s school or your direct supervisor of your illness and follow the guidance below.
An individual can return to school/work when:
Symptoms have significantly improved/resolved and:
Their temperature is lower than 100.4° F, there has been no vomiting and no diarrhea for 24 hours without the use of medication or
The person has been evaluated by a healthcare provider and has been cleared to return to school/work or
A person diagnosed with impetigo, strep throat or pink eye may return to school or work after taking prescribed medication for 24 hours or
A person diagnosed with other potentially communicable conditions may return to school or work according to their health care provider’s instructions.
If you have any questions regarding these procedures, please contact your child’s school health services staff or your direct supervisor.
COVID -19 Information

Frank Church is happy to partner with St. Luke's to offer onsite nurse and physician visits to our students. Students can be seen on Tuesdays with parental consent for illness or immunization. Click on the link below to access the consent form.


