Boise high College & Career Center

Welcome Brave students and parents! This is my 19th year at Boise High; sixth as your College/Career Counselor. My role is to assist students with exploring (potential) college opportunities, financial aid and scholarship info, and job/career research and readiness. I am also the testing coordinator for PSAT, SAT, and AP [Advanced Placement] exams. Hopefully, this site contains helpful information re: current and post-Boise High endeavors/options; if you have a specific question or concern, or want to set up a virtual meeting, please contact me using the information below.

Contact info ~

David Chehey, College & Career Counselor, M.A., LPC Instagram - BoiseHigh College


Ballenot - College & Career Center 2.mp4

cc video/promo 2019


CC video/promo 2018

College and Career Center - final (5).wmv

cc video/promo 2017