Island Story Celebration Pizza

We’re making pizza tomorrow! What better way to celebrate our young writers!

We’ll make a no yeast dough and a simple no cook sauce. And add your own toppings!


For no yeast dough:

2 1/4 all purpose flour

1 tbsp baking powder

1 cup milk

1/4 cup butter (room temp)

You’ll need a rolling pin and a baking sheet.

Pizza sauce:

I can 15 oz. tomato

6 oz tomato paste

1 tablespoon olive oil

Garlic powder

Dried Oregano


Black pepper

You’ll need a blender or a whisk.

If you don’t have the ingredients for sauce, no worries just bring some toppings (and olive oil).

Bring your own toppings!

We’ll be using pesto/tomato sauce, mozzarella, basil, and whatever else we can find!