Reception Learning Zone: Transition

Transition to your child's next class can be made simple with our handy video guide, activities and carefully chosen websites to practise skills that will benefit them and ensure they're ready for September.

The transition from Reception to Year 1 mp4

'Ready for Year One' video guide

Wk 11 Reception Dear Teacher Activity.pdf

Activity Plan

Wk 11 reception Lit Dear Teacher Activity.mp4

Write a letter to your teacher

Wk 11 Reception Literacy Dear Teacher story.mp4

Story: Dear Teacher

Wk 11 Reception EAD activity.pdf

Activity Plan

wk 11 Reception EAD activity.mp4

Make a Positive Rainbow Mobile

Reception pupils Links for Parents : check out these carefully chosen websites that can help your child develop skills in areas such as phonics, French, computing and maths.