Current Covid Protocols: 

A student who has a sibling who tested positive is allowed to be in school.  Siblings or anyone exposed to someone who has tested positive does NOT need to quarantine.  While there is an increase in the numbers of people having Covid, there is no increase in the number of Covid hospitalizations.  We are at the point that Covid is still very contagious. It is far less deadly and severe then it was a year ago.  So the CDC has decided that quarantining exposed people is no longer necessary.  If they develop symptoms then they should do a home Covid test.  The nurse's office is not testing anyone and we are not tracking who has Covid or who has been exposed.  There are home tests available for both staff and students to take home and use.   If you are concerned for your health or your child's health please wear a  KN95 mask while at school. 

CDC Summary Link

Current Covid Guidelines and Information from Ontario County Department of Health