Wireless log-on

 This page covers logging into the 'Student Wireless' network with any of your devices.

Log on to WiFi: 

1) Find the ‘StudentWifi’ network by opening the Wifi settings on your device. 

2) Press or click on 'StudentWiFi' Enter your username and password into the portal that will appear. (eg. ab123456 + password)

Your username was sent to your personal email. You have received your password via a text message.

3) If you are prompted to 'trust' a certificate - press the 'trust' button. (This is most likely to apply to iPhone/iPad/Mac users.

4) You will remain connected all day, but may need to log in at the start of a new day. 

If you want to change your password you can 

a) Log in to a college computer in the FYI or a classroom. (you cannot change it on your own device)  

If using a Windows machine use the keyboard shortcut CTRL-ALT-DELETE (press all at the same time!) to bring up the option to change your password. 

If using a Mac  - open system preferences,  select users and groups, choose your profile enter old password and choose your new password.

Note - changing this password will change your login for college computers, the StudentWifi network, Google and the student portal

b) for any help with passwords  visit Tech Support in the ground floor of Brock (entrance to the right of Cafe 6 - see image below)

HELP! I've lost or forgotten my password! 

You can...

Visit Tech Support in the ground floor of Brock (entrance to the right of Cafe 6 - see image below)

Find Tech Support through the doors shown below!

The Tech Support Office situated in the bottom of the Brock Building. If you are in the courtyard and facing Cafe Six the Brock Entrance is just on the right hand side and once through the doors we are on the left. There is a sign in the hallway that says Tech Support.