Setting up a tablet or iPad

Log on to WiFi:

Find the ‘Student Wifi’ network

Enter your username and password into the portal that appears

You will remain connected all day, but will need to log in at the start of each new day.

Adding a Google account to your device:

If you want to add your college Google account to your device you can do. This will mean you can quickly log in to any of Google Tools you will have downloaded.

The instructions for this may vary slightly depending on the exact model of iPad or Android tablet you are using.

iPad instructions

Android instructions

Downloading the apps you need for college

Your tablet or iPad may already have some of these apps installed. In which case, you will just need to switch user (if you have added your Google Account)or sign in to them (as an additional user if you haven't.) Don't worry if you already use Gmail or Google Drive - you can have multiple accounts linked to the apps and you don't need to sign out or delete any of your own data.

Below is a list of the apps you will need for college. Your subject teachers may request you download additional specialist apps in lesson to support your learning.

Links to App Store