Screen Brightness and Sleep

Using screens late at night (as we all probably know), can be disruptive to a healthy sleep pattern as bright screens fool our minds into thinking we are in bright daylight and therefore our bodies find it harder to switch off.

Short of stopping using devices before bedtime, there are two simple things you can do to mitigate the impact on sleep.

1: You can set browsers and system software to 'dark mode' (therefore meaning your screen will give off less light)

2: You can set your system to automatically reduce the screen brightness and present a gentler blend of colours.

Below are settings for various devices

Nightlight Setting in Windows 11 + 10

Dark Mode Settings in Windows 11 + 10

Nightlight + Dark mode settings in Chrome OS

Nightshift on Mac OS

Dark Mode on Mac OS

Night Shift on iOS

Dark Mode on iOS (iPad/iPhone)

Dark Theme on Android

Night Light on Android