Healthy tech

Technology can be problematic as it can feel that our phones and laptops are controlling us, instead of the other way round. Our devices should make our lives easier (why would we have them if they don't?) This page shows some examples of apps and services that could help you take control of your device. as well as helping you be content and calm in your wider life


A simple introduction to de-stressing and finding some calm. This (and many other free or paid tools) can help you unwind. Even if you aren't stressed, an app like Calm, Headspace or many others can help you become more observant, sleep better and just enjoy some relaxed time to yourself.


Forest is a pretty app which rewards you for not touching your phone!

When you want to focus, set a timer and a beautiful tree will start to grow. Succeed in ignoring your phone and that tree is yours to keep and add to your forest.

Fail and the TREE DIES!

Sleep Town

Being on Twitter at 3 am can be a depressing experience.

As can waking up the next morning having not had enough sleep

Sleep Town is just one of many apps that rewards you for putting your phone down at night and finding something else to do instead. (Which hopefully, helps you sleep better!)

F.Lux (Mac/PC/iPad/Android)

Staring at a bright screen in the evening can have a really negative effect on your mind. The light tricks our brains into thinking we should be awake, even though it's dark outside. F.lux is a great tool for automatically managing the brightness of screen on a range of devices.

On a Chromebook, you can schedule your display to switch into 'nightlight' mode at sunset by going to settings->device->displays.

Fitter = Happier?

There is a lot evidence that links mental and physical health and suggests exercise can be great at combating low mood.

You don't need a personal trainer or an expensive Gym subscription as your phone can track and motivate your achievements.

The link above suggests some great free apps, from workouts to Yoga and more.

The Google Fit and Apple Health apps will also work brilliantly with any Android or iPhone

More apps

The list linked above sends you to approved apps for a whole range of situations.

There is support available through various apps for poor sleep, learning to cope with panic attacks, challenging negative thinking and much more.