Scanning Written Work

Scanning work might be helpful in a number of different situations.

  • You might want to include a diagram in a piece of work you have word processed.

  • You might wish to 'back up' your notes and save them on your Google Drive.

  • You might need to write an essay by hand in a timed exam, but then want to add that essay to the rest of your work in a folder.

  • You might have worked on a shared piece of flip chart paper and want a copy of the note.

This page will guide you through the steps to quickly and easily scanning work

Important tip:

Normally if you are scanning some work (i.e. an essay or creating a portfolio of evidence from different written documents) your tutor will want you to create a single document (not multiple images.)

Both the apps recommended below will allow you to scan your first image and ask you if you want to add further images before saving therefore allowing you to submit your essay as a single document.

What App Should I Use?

Android phone or tablet. You can use the Google Drive app to scan documents directly to your Google Drive

iPhone or iPad: We'd recommend using the Notes App.

(note - you can only scan up to 24 pages in a single document with this app- if you want to scan a longer file, you will have to download one of the many scanning apps available in the App Store)

I've scanned it - what now?

Once you have 'saved' the file you can then upload it to Google Drive, Classroom or email as you require.

You can name the file when you save it to ensure it is easy to find on your phone.

Both apps will allow you to crop your scans and change the filters used to help improve the readability of your work.

You can also do some basic annotations using these apps.