
If you you have been using Adobe products in your studies in college, you can also access a full range of Adobe Creative Cloud products by logging into Adobe with your college email address on your own devices.

Some tools will only work if you have a laptop/desktop machine but you can also download a wide range of apps for mobiles and tablets.

College Chromebooks can also access the Adobe Apps (see instructions for mobile devices) and if you have your own Chromebook that allows installation of Android apps you can also add them using this method.

Simple guide to accessing Creative Cloud apps on a desktop or laptop (Windows/MacOS)

Hit this link:

Find 'log in' option

Choose 'login with Google' and select or enter college email

Choose 'enterprise' not personal

Select 'my Creative cloud' to access choice of apps and install to device.

You may also have to sign in (using same ID) on the software itself once you've installed it.

Simple guide to installing mobile/tablet apps (also works on some chromebooks)

  • Visit App Store/Google Play Store

  • Find app you want (if not sure, enter 'Adobe' as search term to see all available)

  • Download to device

  • Find 'login with Google' and enter college ID

  • Choose 'enterprise' not personal

  • App should now be functional