Super Curricular

What is 'Super Curricular?'

The Super Curricular programme is inspired by a desire to give students more than just the education the exam boards dictate. It is a series of lectures, delivered by experts on topics they personally find fascinating and that might prompt thought, controversy, debate and wonderment.

It covers a broad range of topics and there's something for everyone, from particle physicians to performing artists.

Who are they for?

Anyone can attend the lectures (or as will be the case for the first part of this year, view them online)

6 Advance students are particularly encouraged to attend as building a strong knowledge of contemporary and historical debates is a great way to add value to applications to University. The lectures are designed to provoke original thinking and challenge how we think about ourselves and the world around us.

All students are very, very welcome. You may choose to drop into lectures which cover your subject area but all of the talks are fascinating in their own right and a great way for anyone to prepare for a university style experience.

Sounds good but how do I engage with the lectures?

You will receive updates via the 'Student Weekly' briefings of how and when to watch the lectures.

This Youtube playlists contains highlights of the previous year's lectures.

This playlist includes such diverse topics as

  • Feminism in fairy tales

  • The development of computers

  • The maths of infinity

  • Ancient Greece and Rome

  • Politics

  • loads more!

I love things like this! Where can I find more stuff?

In a world of instant news and social media it's difficult sometimes to know what is true and what is false. The talks and documentaries below are a lovely way to find out more about the world and provide genuine, well researched information presented by experts.

TED talks

Expert speakers covering a fascinating array of subjects. TED talks are often really entertaining and always thought provoking.

RSA Lectures and animations

A fascinating and topical series of longer talks and short information rich explorations of a vast range of subjects. If you have 5 minutes free and want to learns something or challenge your own thinking, then this is spot for you.

Great Documentaries

It's not always easy to find something to watch on TV. Our staff have collaborated to provide this playlist of some of the most interesting documentaries of recent years.