Mrs. Williams 5th grade math/writing/Social Studies

Welcome to our class website

Welcome to our 5th grade math, writing, and social studies class at Central Intermediate! I am very excited about our year together. I anticipate a great year filled with explorations and accomplishments. It will be a year of learning and growth as students, teachers, and parents work together as a team to create the best possible experience for each student individually and our class as a whole. Our classroom community will be grounded in mutual respect, a comfortable environment that invites all questions, and a passion to make learning a life-long adventure. Our class website will keep you and your child connected and informed about what’s going on in our classroom. On it, you will find features such as class updates, printable homework assignments, student links, and our class newsletter.

Should you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me via email at the link below, or call 918-366-2249.

Jayna Williams