bond package overview
New Construction
New Kerr at Hidden Creek: Built as a replacement home campus to Kerr Middle School.
New Multipurpose Facility at Burleson High School: Designed to improve educational opportunities for most of the campus’ extracurricular activities.
Renovations and Additions
Hughes Middle School: Expanded to accommodate students and its capacity in the fine arts and athletics areas. Renovated to be comparable to the STEAM Middle School.
New Collaborative Learning Areas at Burleson High School: Areas of available academic capacity will be converted to spaces for collaborative learning to extend outside the classroom.
Repurpose Kerr Middle School: Repurposed from a home campus. The district will renovate and make improvements as funds are available and the district deems necessary.
In May 2017, Burleson ISD voters approved an $85 million bond referendum and tax ratification election to manage our district growth. A total of 8,028 votes were cast in the election, and the bond referendum and tax ratification passed with 57 percent and 55 percent voter approval, respectively.
The bond referendum was developed by a volunteer facilities advisory committee made up of citizens from across our district. The 60-member team comprised of parents, grandparents, educators, and business and civic leaders spent nearly 4 months reviewing and analyzing the needs of the district. Ultimately, the facilities advisory committee put the final touches on an $85 million bond package to provide our students and teachers with new and improved facilities. The bond referendum recommended by the facilities advisory committee was adopted in its entirety by the school board, and then approved by voters.