Welcome 8th Grade Social Studies Families to the 2023-24 school year!  

Teaching Social Studies is my passion and I am so happy to be your teacher this year! 

At Woodward, you can also find me leading Equity work, working with the Ally Club and  Seminar Program and representing Woodward on the BISD Multicultural Advisement Council.

I am busy, but I love what I do and the people I get to work with!

If you ever need to reach me, please do not hesitate to contact me:



or at the end of the downstairs hall in Room 106.



Welcome to 8th Grade Social Studies at Woodward Middle School

8th Grade Social Studies school supplies:

   Optional items: (keep in a pencil pouch in your backpack)

***8th Grade Social Studies consists of two different semester long classes.***

Fall Semester =  Washington State Studies 

During the first semester of the school year, all eighth grade students participate in our Washington State Studies class. This course fulfills a high school graduation requirement and is required for all Washington public school students.  In this course we examine aspects of the history, geography, economics, and politics of  Washington State. We also study our local Bainbridge Island  community and its roots in Indipino and Indigenous peoples.

Students are required to earn an average of 60% or better to demonstrate they have met the high school credit requirement for graduation.  A grade below 60% will keep a student from passing the Washington History course and they will have to retake the class online  during the student’s own time.  You may follow your child's progress in Skyward. 

Learning Resource: 

The Washington Journey; second edition

Spring Semester = U.S. History  

This course is designed to be a thematic survey of United States history beginning with the founding of our nation. We examine how the five ideals identified in the Declaration of Independence, emerge throughout parts of the history, geography, economics, and politics of the United States. We delve into the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and Stamped ( the YA edition by Jason Reynolds).  Current Events and issues facing our nation related to the five ideals ( Democracy, Equality, Liberty, Opportunity, Rights) are also explored.

Learning Resources:

 History Alive! The United States Through Industrialism

Stamped (YA Edition) by Jason Reynolds and Ibram X Kendi

Year Long Learning Objectives:  

Through the course of this year, students will:

*Sensitive Materials (books, videos, movies)One of the learning objectives of these courses is to expose students to a variety of perspectives and modes of expression.  Thus, it is possible that some students may encounter a text, video or movie clip that may include controversial ideas or emotionally challenging subjects.  We encourage students to discuss individually with their teacher about what they find concerning.

Student Expectations

Attendance - Please be on time to every class with your supplies

If you have to be absent, check Google Classroom to see the work and assignments you may have missed.  Students are responsible for the learning missed during extended absences.  Check in with your teacher to clarify any assignments or work you need to make up.

Grading Policies

Grades are calculated based on a point system.  Students and parents can follow grade progress utilizing Skyward.  Missing assignments will be calculated as 50% of the possible points assigned. 

Happy 2023-2024 School Year!