
Language Arts and Social Studies


Miller TRAM Student Schedules

Hello 6th-Graders!

I am so looking forward to meeting all of you ~ being a teacher is the best! I love the learning and the laughing that seems to fill every day.

The Tsolomitis~Rabinowitz~Atkinson~Miller team is new this year, but we're going to be great!

My husband was in the Navy, so my family has lived all over the world~ we have lived in Washington since 2007. I have a feeling we'll be staying here for a long time to come because I can't imagine a better place to be. I enjoy hiking, kayaking, and walking around Seattle. I have two adult children who inspire me every day - watching them grow up has been the joy of my life.

Teaching Language Arts is my passion. I have loved reading for as long as I can remember. While I really enjoy writing now, I have to admit, I didn't realize I actually liked it until after I finished high school.

Our Social Studies topics this year are fascinating ~ studying the Ancient Civilizations will reveal so much about the world we live in today.

I am excited to start our year together and to spend time getting to know all of you - to learn about you while you learn about yourselves and the world around us!

Mrs. Miller

TRAM Supply List 2021-22

Accelerated Learning Site