Welcome to Sayak Sengupta's Homepage!
Courtesy of Ms. Meenakshy Jyothis,
Binghamton Campus, May 9th, 2024.
I received my PhD in Mathematics from Binghamton University-SUNY under the guidance of Prof. Alexander Borisov, co-advised by Prof. Adrian Vasiu. I am interested in the topics related to Elliptic curves and Number Theory. My PhD research involves the study of the iterations of polynomials over rings of integers modulo maximal ideals. Currently I am working with Prof. Borisov in Binghamton as a research associate.
I received my PhD in Mathematics from Binghamton University-SUNY under the guidance of Prof. Alexander Borisov, co-advised by Prof. Adrian Vasiu. I am interested in the topics related to Elliptic curves and Number Theory. My PhD research involves the study of the iterations of polynomials over rings of integers modulo maximal ideals. Currently I am working with Prof. Borisov in Binghamton as a research associate.
Job positions so far
Job positions so far
From 2016-2018 I worked as a Teaching Assistant in Binghamton.
From 2018-2022 I worked as an Instructor in Binghamton.
From 2022-2024 I worked as an Adjunct Lecturer in Binghamton.