Welcome to Sayak Sengupta's Homepage!

Courtesy of Ms. Meenakshy Jyothis

Binghamton Campus, May 9th, 2024.

I received my PhD in Mathematics from Binghamton University-SUNY under the guidance of Prof. Alexander Borisov, co-advised by Prof. Adrian Vasiu. I am interested in the topics related to Elliptic curves and Number Theory. My PhD research involves the study of the iterations of polynomials over rings of integers modulo maximal ideals. Currently I am working with Prof. Borisov in Binghamton as a research associate.

Job positions so far

From 2016-2018 I worked as a Teaching Assistant in Binghamton.
From 2018-2022 I worked as an Instructor in Binghamton.
From 2022-2024 I worked as an Adjunct Lecturer in Binghamton.

Few important links:

My CV is available here

My PhD Dissertation can be accessed from here.

My research statement can be found here.

My research proposal can be found here.

Synopsis of my thesis can be found here.

Here is a link to my math genealogy.

Here is my teaching statement.