BingFlex Course Design

A BingFlex class combines online and face-to-face instruction simultaneously into one class. The class content must be designed intentionally so students in both the classroom and online sections are engaged with equivalent learning experiences.

Students are able to participate in class in different ways:

  • as a face-to-face learner (physically present in the classroom)

  • as a distance learner (via real-time, video-conferencing or engaging with class materials at a later time)

  • or as a flexible learner (for health-related reasons)

from SUNY Remote Teaching vs. Online Learning


Questions to ask yourself as you plan your BingFlex course

How will you ensure equity between the modes for student learning?

Students should have the same learning opportunities in either mode without being disadvantaged by choosing one mode over the other. Specifically, students should have equitable access to course resources, computer software to complete learning activities, and learning support.

How can will you promote student engagement by leveraging the characteristics of each mode?

The implementation of active learning strategies for student engagement in online mode often differs from that in face-to-face mode. Therefore, student engagement measures should be customised to best suit each mode

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