Malia Stanley

MHS Math

AP Calculus


Advanced Topics and Modeling in Mathematics (ATMM)

Pre-AP Algebra 2

Copy of Virtual Classroom

Click on a book link to be taken to my Google Classroom for each class. Or click one of the other pictures on the bookshelf for links for helpful math tools and videos.

HI! My name is Malia Stanley and this is my 14th year of teaching. I have taught both science and math. I am married to Neal Stanley, and we have 3 kids: Scott Thomas, Lauren and Madeline. I love reading mysteries and watching my kids play sports. I'm excited about having you or your child in class this year!

Daily Schedule:

1st- Pre-Calculus

2nd- AP Calculus AB

3rd- Advanced Topics in Math

4th- Pre-AP Algebra 2

5th- Pre-Calculus



6th- Pre-AP Algebra 2

7th- Conference