Towards Greater Equity

at Black Horse Pike Regional School District

Welcome to our Equity HQ.
Check out our pages to see what we're working on, find resources, and join our journey towards greater equity!


"Equity is NOT diversity, inclusion, or equality . . . It describes something deeper and more complex."

Equity "is about EACH of us getting what we need to survive or succeed-access to opportunity, networks, resources, and supports--based on where we are and where we want to go" (Kris Putnam-Walkerly & Elizabeth Russell, "What the Heck Does 'Equity' Mean?", Stanford Social Innovation Review)


"Empathy is a concerned response to another person's feelings. It involves thinking, feeling, and even a physical reaction that our bodies have to other people when we relate to how they feel. To have empathy, we have to notice and understand other's feelings, but that isn't enough. We also need to care about and value them" (Making Caring Common, Harvard Graduate School of Education).

In action, empathy means you "listen, don't judge, feel with, and ask questions" (Daron K. Roberts, A Kid's Book About Empathy).

Check out our February 2021 BOE Meeting Presentation about the work we're doing as we move toward greater equity.

Copy of Towards Greater Equity at BHP