Assistant Principal over Student Life: Dave Jefferies
August: Salubritas (Healthiness, Wholesomeness) Healthy Body
September: Prudentia (Foresight, Prudence)- Wise choice making, Healthy Mind
October: Veritas (Truthfulness)- honesty and transparency
November: Firmitas (Constancy, Persistence)- Staying on course, focus
December: Liberalitas (Liberality)- Generous giving.
January: Comitas (Humor)- Ease of manner, courtesy, openness, and friendliness.
February: Gravitas (Seriousness, Appropriateness)- Your relationship to the events around you.
March: Pietas (Loyalty, Piety)- Focusing on your relationships
April: Auctoritas (Spiritual Authority)- The sense of one's social standing, built up through experience, prudence, and hard work.
May: Humanitas (Humane, Cultured)- Your relationship to and influence in the universe itself.