Mr. Kramer's Class



It is with a heavy heart that I am writing this message to let you know that Friday, April 3, will be my final day as your Western Civilization I teacher. I will be passing you on to the ever-capable hands of Mr. A. Davis. We have worked together on the plan for the foreseeable future during this time of remote learning, and he will begin collecting and grading your work starting next week. I am confident in his abilities as a teacher and in the feedback he will be able to provide you. (Please see the instructions below for how to login to his class)

While I know that this is not ideal, very little about our current circumstances are, please know that it has been an honor and a joy being your teacher. I have often told people that teaching my first-hour class was the best part of my workday, and I truly mean that. I set out this year with one goal and I was very clear with all of you about what it was. I wanted you to leave my classroom at the end of the year a better person. I hope that I was able to help you achieve that in some way. I know that walking into the classroom and learning alongside you every day has made me a better person and for that, I thank you. I will always look back on the time I spent with you in fondness.

If I may, I have one final challenge for you. I challenge you to continue to seek after truth, to defend and preserve what is good, and to love what is beautiful; knowing that these things will make you free. Free from the oppression of ignorance, the enslavement of your carnal passions, and the vain pursuits that are not worthy of your time and affections.

With Gratitude,

Mr. Kramer

You will be using your same login, just add a new class with the following Class ID and Enrollment Keys:

  • Class ID: 24364078
  • Enrollment Key: Davis1

**All bellworks and assignments will be submitted through this from here on out.**

Welcome Back from Spring Break

Well, sort of back. I hope this message finds you all well and safe. I wanted to take a moment to reach out to you regarding what school is going to look like going forward here for the next several weeks. This week, I will be posting lesson plans for work that we can do from home for the remainder of the week. Some of it will be review, or just things that you are well prepared to complete on your own. That information will be posted by the end of the day on Tuesday (March 24).

For those of you concerned about turning in your final drafts, we are going to postpone the deadline on those for the time being. If you are still completing them, you have more time to do so. They will be turned in the next few weeks, but we need a little time to settle into this online learning before we worry about turning those in.

I know that this time is strange and none of you have lived through something like it before. But, as do all difficult things, this will give all of you an opportunity to grow in a way that you would have otherwise not had the chance to grow had we not been faced with this adversity. So take heart, and be strong and rejoice in this new challenge.

I miss you all, yes I honestly do, and I wish you the best on this new endeavor.

Make sure you are checking the class page for weekly plans

"If you do not ask and seek these higher things, you will not serve the higher things, just the moment." - Dr. Terrence Moore

"As a friend once told me, good teaching is the overflow of a full life. In my classes, I therefore try to fill my students’ lives with as much goodness, truth, and beauty as I can." — Dr. Daniel Coupland

“Tradition is not the worship of ashes but the preservation of fire” - Gustav Mahler


Mr. Kramer grew up in Grand Rapids Michigan and attended Hudsonville Public Schools from Kindergarten through graduation. He then was accepted into Hillsdale College where he would graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in History. At Hillsdale College Mr. Kramer crossed paths with Dr. Terrence Moore, a major contributor to the Barney Charter School initiative. Conversations with Dr. Moore revealed to him how truly important education was in an individual's life. He saw the positive impacts that a classical education can have on students and this gave him a passion to be a part of that process. Mr. Kramer has since earned his Master’s degree in Educational Leadership from Grand Canyon University.

Since joining Benjamin Franklin High School five years ago, Mr. Kramer has taught Western Civilization, U.S. History, and Philosophy as well as serving as history department head and an assistant coach on the football staff.

Mr. Kramer has been married to his better half for Five years, they have two dogs, and are eagerly awaiting the arrival of their first child in the fall. Together, they like to hike, play board games, play music, read books, and spend time with family.

What Mr. Kramer is reading

Prince Caspian by C.S. Lewis


Academic Integrity

This is a good resource for those of you that are unfamiliar with what plagiarism is or how to avoid it. Take a look.

Bellow you will find a presentation on If you are not familiar with this system, please spend a few minutes of your time and review this presentation.

Chicago Style Training

Research Resources

Copy of Kickin’ it Chicago Style STUDENT PRESENTATION