May 6, 2022 Newsletter
Bethel Public Schools E-News
“Our Primary Purpose is to Improve Student Achievement”
This Week's Content
Superintendent's News
Christine Carver, Ed.D.,
Superintendent of Schools
Dear Parents, Guardians, Staff, and Community Members:
Social-Emotional Curriculum
As we head towards the end of the year, it is wonderful to see all of the normal spring and end of the year activities that showcase our students and help them feel more connected to school. The art shows, athletics events, concerts, dances, club activities, field trips, and other events support the development of social connections that we can all agree have been missing over the past few years.
Local, state, and national data indicate that the effects of the pandemic on our student's mental health, most notably in the areas of anxiety and depression, have been significant. As a school system, we are ethically and legally obligated to ensure that our school environment promotes a positive climate so our students are ready to learn. We are also ethically and legally (Section 504 and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act or IDEA) obligated to provide support for students with more complex needs. We know that students need to be emotionally ready to learn and achieve academically.
As we are coming out of the pandemic, we have data to support increased mean behavior amongst students, increased amounts of students seeking in-school counseling support, and increased suicidal ideation. We believe that this is partially due to isolation and increased use of technology for social interactions. In our recent parent survey, many parents also identified emotional well-being and mean behavior as an area of concern.
There has been a lot of misinformation in the news and social media about the implementation of the social-emotional curriculum in public schools. To be clear, I have been an educator for 31 years, and public schools have always implemented these types of programs to create a positive climate/learning environment. None of this is new. As examples, these programs address things such as being active listeners, problem-solving, handling conflict, being kind and respectful, managing emotions if you are angry or sad, etc. The district has always made it a priority to partner with parents. To that end, we have created a website that provides extensive information and resources for our families. On that website, there are two videos that you might find informative that provides a detailed description of what social-emotional learning curriculum are and how they are implemented in our schools. If you have any questions about our programs, I would encourage you to reach out to our Social Emotional Coach, Tom Salvador at
COVID Update & Test Kit Availability
On another note, we have seen an increase in COVID positive cases this week in the Bethel Public Schools. We recommend that students who show any symptoms or have had any contact with a COVID-positive person, regardless of vaccination status, take a COVID test. Please note, that this is not mandatory. We have COVID test kits available at each school should you need them. Also, every household in the U.S. is now eligible to receive a second set of 2 free test kits; you can register at If your child does test positive or is not feeling well please keep them home and contact the school nurse for further information and directions. Thank you for making a commitment to the health, wellness, and safety of each other.
Parent Survey Feedback
We appreciate the feedback you gave the district in the Parent Survey which closed this Wednesday. We use the feedback to help improve our practice in our schools and at the district level. In addition, each school uses the information to create a goal within their school improvement plan as an area of focus. In the coming newsletters, we will try and summarize the themes from the surveys and provide more detailed summary information regarding the feedback.
Multi-Sport Turf Complex Update
As you probably noted, there was a slight construction delay on the Multisport Turf Complex. The new target date is next Monday, May 9th.
BMS Presents Seussical Jr.
Come out to see the BMS presentation of Seussical Jr. Our students consistently put on outstanding shows! Shows are tonight, Friday, May 6th @ 7 PM, and Saturday, May 7th @ 1 PM & 7 PM. Tickets are $10.
Mock Car Crash Assembly at Bethel High School
As previously mentioned, on April 20th Bethel High School students participated in an assembly of a mock car crash caused by an individual who was under the influence.
This assembly was planned by a group of seniors, in conjunction with our School Resource Officer, Jason Broad, from their work at a student leadership summit. The purpose of this advisory was to raise awareness about driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. In this assembly, the students, with the assistance of first responders, simulated an actual accident caused by an individual driving under the influence, including the arrest of individuals responsible, death, and injury. Our students even arranged for Life Star to do a flyover as part of the presentation.
If you would like to view the Mock Car Crash, the video is linked here. **Please Note: We want to make you aware of the realistic nature of the mock car crash prior to viewing the video. We would like to extend thanks to Ms. Feuerman, our Media Technology Specialist, and her crew for putting together such a great video.
We would like to thank the following departments/organizations that were involved in this demonstration: Bethel Police Department, Bethel Fire Department, Stony Hill Fire Department, New Milford Police Department, Danbury Police Department, and the Redding Police Department.
This Week's Updates & Reminders

BMS Presents Seussical Jr.
Tonight, Friday, May 6th @ 7 PM
Tomorrow, Saturday, May 7th @ 1 PM & 7 PM
Tickets $10
Department News K-12
Flyers, Fundraisers &, Community News & Events
Support the BHS Post Prom 2022
Senior Prom is May 20th!!
Support the BHS Post Prom 2022
The Post Prom Committee is looking for donations.
See flyer for details.
Drive-Up Collection
Thursday, May 12, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Support the BHS Post Prom 2022
Restaurant Night
20% of all sales will be donated to Post Prom
See flyer for details.
May 16, 2022
Stamp Out Hunger
Saturday, May 14th
Please mark this date on your calendars - it's our largest source of food in the year by far. Our letter carriers do a tremendous job gathering your donations and
everything in Bethel goes to Brotherhood In Action

BMS Student Government “Heroes on the Water” Fundraiser
Penny War!
Monday, May 23 - Friday, June 3

BMS Student Government “Heroes on the Water” Fundraiser
Orders Due by FRIDAY, MAY 20

Post Prom Committee needs your donations to help keep our kids safe!

Bethel Teen Center
Open for 6th Graders
Wednesdays, 3PM - 5PM
May and June

St. Mary School Carnival
May 18 -22, 2022
Bethel Municipal Center

2022 Summer Programs
Bethel Park & Recreation
Registration Begins May 4th
See brochure for programs & details
Spring Programs!
Acting, Music, Cooking, STEM,
Woodworking, Dance, Science & MORE!

Hoyt Adventure Day Camp
Connecticut Yankee Council, BSA
See flyer for details

Tunnel to Towers
5K Run & Walk Bethel
June 26th at 8:30 AM
BHS Football Field
See flyer for registration Info
Board of Education Policy Updates
The Bethel Public Schools, as a learning community devoted to the academic and social growth of our children, creates educational opportunities that inspire competence, creativity, teamwork, and a drive to excel. In an environment of trust and respect, high expectations for student performance are evident in the discussions, actions, and policies of the Board of Education. Board of Education policies can be found on our district website. As a way to increase communication about Board of Education policies, we include Board of Education policy updates in this section of our newsletter as they are approved by the Board. You can find the Board of Education policies on the district website at Bethel Board of Education Policies
Recently Revised/Reviewed Policies & Regulations:
Regulation – 5131.911 – District Safe School Climate Plan – 10-21-21
Regulation 2232 - Electronic Records and Information - 2-14-22
Policy 5141.231 - Chemical Health Policy for Student-Athletes - 2-14-22
Regulation 5111 - Admission - 3-24-22
Policy 1416 - Fiscal Authorities 4-21-22
Policy 1700 - Otherwise Lawful Possession of Firearms on School Property - 4-21-22
Policy 2000 - Concept and Roles in Administration - 4-21-22
Policy 2111 - Equal Employment Opportunity - 4-21-22
Policy 2112 - Professional Learning - 4-21-22
Policy 2113 - Grievance Procedures - Title IX - deleted 4-21-22
BEtv - See what's new this week!
Check out what's on BEtv this weekend!
Countdown to KIndergarten! Here are some top tips to get you ready!
This Mock Car Crash demonstrates the consequences of drinking and driving
Author Visit Jarrett J. Krosoczka to Johnson School 2022
BHS Spring Orchestra Concert featuring Project Trio
BHS Spring Band Concert
BHS Spring Chorus Concert
Berry School Earth Day Celebration
The Annual ROTC Military Ball
And check out BMS Premier Concert
The latest Board of Education Meetings can be viewed here.
Check out our full line up here
Watch when you want to watch? Go to our Video On Demand Channel
If you don't get us on Comcast cable, Channel 97, you can still see all our programming streaming live at