Financial Dashboard

The purpose of this dashboard is to provide a public summary information regarding district financial information.  

Approved Budget 2024-2025

Bethel Public Schools Board of Education Budget 


The Bethel Board of Education budget for the 2024-2025 school year was approved through a referendum vote on April 23, 2024

Reflects Board of Selectmen reductions.

BOE Budget Proposal 24-25.pdf


Revenue & Grants Summary

Entitlement & Competitive Grants 

The linked revenue and grants summary includes both entitlement grants and competitive grants received by the district.  Entitlement grants are received annually.   Funds can only be allocated for specific purposes and by federal law, they can not be used to supplant the operating budget.  

2025-2026 Budget Process

Budget Workshops/Presentations/Deliberations/Town Dates

   Proposed Superintendent's Budget 2025-2026

   Community Budget Update & Superintendent's Budget Presentation 2025-2026

Budget Workshops Q & A

Previous Budget Processes & Documentation

Per Pupil Expeditures by District & School  - State Calculation

Bethel Public Schools 4 Year Spending Trend

Per pupil expenditures are calculated by the State of Connecticut based on the annual State EFS report.  This per pupil expenditure includes local appropriations, in kind services and any grant funds provided to the district.  The per pupil expenditure is adjusted based on enrollment and a year behind in calculation.  Please note, when comparing schools, there can be some differences based on specialized programs that are housed in certain buildings, longevity of staff, etc.  In addition, the BHS budget also includes athletics.  The most interactive website to view per pupil expenditures is at the following link through the School and State Finance Project.  

Please note that the increase in per pupil expenditures at the state and local levels for 2020-2022 reflects state and federal grant funding due to the Covid-19 pandemic. We anticipate per pupil spending reducing again when the grant funding is no longer available. 

The 2023-2024 per pupil expenditure has not yet been updated on EdSight. 

State Per Pupil Expenditures by District Reference Group and Region 

District Reference Groups

District Reference Groups (DRGs) is a classification system in which districts that have public school students with similar socioeconomic status (SES) and need are grouped together. Grouping like districts together is useful in order to make legitimate comparisons among districts.  The charts show district per-pupil expenditures (PPE) in comparison to accountability scores. 

Regional Spending

Regional spending data compares public school spending between communities that surround Bethel. The charts show regional accountability scores alongside regional per-pupil expenditures (PPE). 

Historical Budget Information - Local Allocation Only

Quarterly & Year-to-Date Spending

Quarterly Spending Report 24-25

Other Funding Sources

Unexpended Funds Account History

Unexpended Funds Account 

The unexpended funds account was originally legislated in 2010 and revised in 2019.  This allows districts to enter into agreement with municipalities to deposit up to 2% of the budget into a non-lapsing account to address emergencies and opportunities.  Our agreement with the Board of Finance allows up to 1%.  This table provides a summary of the fund established with the Bethel Board of Finance since 2014.