Tuition PaymentS

Note! Not yet updated for 2023-2024!

Tuition Payments:

Fees are charged on a month-to-month basis and cover compensation for our incredible coaches,  JLAC fees, race fees, and support the overall operation of the program.

Beyond your $25 deposit due at registration, no fees are collected until Oct 1st, and continue for a total of 9 payments. Any Novice rowers or others who decide they will not be continuing with the team need only get in touch and all future payments will be cancelled.

Volunteer Hours:

All parents are also asked to contribute twenty volunteer hours per athlete during the course of the season. These are due regardless of how you pay.

Fee Tiers:

The suggested fee tiers are:

$200 per month per participant (mostly covers our cost for the level of activity we anticipate for this year);

$250 per month per participant (mostly covers our cost plus the average amount per family we need to cover rowerships);

$300 per month per participant (mostly covers our cost, the average amount we need to cover rowerships, and enough extra over the course of the year to help build out our supply of rowing machines); or

$495 per month per participant (what Oakland Strokes charges its varsity rowers; yes really)


As a public high school team we want ALL students who want to participate to be able to do so. Scholarships (rowerships) are available according to need.   If the minimum suggested monthly fee is too much for your family, we understand and will find a way to set a fee that your family can bear.  This year, Liz Kaplan has agreed to be our rowership coordinator.  Select the "rowership" option during online registration and then contact Liz at and we will figure out billing on an individual basis.


Please contact us with any questions

For registration and payment questions please contact:

For scholarship questions or to request a scholarship, ccontact Liz Kaplan, the parent liaison