Berkeley Undergraduate
Number Theory Conference
April 14-15, 2018
The aim of this conference is to introduce undergraduate students to current areas of research and to generate excitement about number theory and mathematics more generally. The conference will include talks by leading researchers, talks by graduate students, panel discussions, and other activities.
The conference schedule is available here.
Plenary Speakers:
- Keith Conrad (U. Connecticut): Ranks of elliptic curves.
- Daniel Goldston (San Jose): Gaps and differences between primes.
- Eugenia Rosu (Arizona): Sum of two cubes and other fun equations.
- Xinyi Yuan (Berkeley): Introduction to the abc conjecture.
Abstracts for the above talks are available here.
Further details of the program will be added to this site when available.
Application: Due to space limitations all participants should apply for the conference. You can do so here: Apply here. Registration deadline has passed. If space permits we may include more participants. Please email the organizers.
Financial Support: Limited financial support may be available for non-Berkeley participants. If you wish to apply for financial support please follow instructions on registration form.
Organization: This conference is organized by the Number Theory and Arithmetic Geometry Group at Berkeley. For questions about the conference send email to the gmail address ucbugconf2018
Acknowledgements: This conference is part of the activities of the Research Training Grant Number Theory and Arithmetic Geometry at Berkeley funded by the National Science Foundation grant DMS-1646385.