SRM | Berkeley, Mathematics

Subhayan Roy Moulik

Department of Mathematics
University of California, Berkeley

Office : 707 Evans Hall
Email : srm

Member, NSF Challenge Institute of Quantum Computation

Google Scholar Twitter Research Group (Lin Lin)

Research: quantum theory, quantum computation.

My current research focuses on developing quantum algorithms that can outperform classical computation.

I am broadly interested in connections between quantum theory and computational mathematics and fundamental physics;
and wish to better understand mathematical structures and computations that are feasible in Nature.

In the past, I have also worked on topics in quantum causality, quantum algorithms and proof systems, and quantum cryptography.

Selected Publications

  1. Quantum Proofs of Proximity [arxiv]
    (with Marcel Dall'Agnol, Tom Gur, and Justin Thaler, at TQC 2021, in Quantum 2022)

  2. Quantum Algorithms for the Approximate k-List Problem and Their Application to Lattice Sieving [eprint]
    (with Elena Kirshanova, Erik Mårtensson, and Eamonn W Postlethwaite, at ASIACRYPT 2019)

  3. Purification and time-reversal deny entanglement in LOCC-distinguishable orthonormal bases [arxiv]
    (with Stefano Gogioso, 2019)

  4. Timelike curves can increase entanglement with LOCC [open access]
    (with Prasanta Panigrahi, in Nat Sci Rep 2016 )

  5. Quantum Cheques [arxiv version, Journal version] [New Scientist]
    (with Prasanta Panigrahi, in Quantum Inf Process 2016)

Quantum Cryptanalysis, Proof Systems, and Causal Structures [pdf]
(Draft of my doctoral thesis. Supervised by Jonathan Barrett)

At University of Cambridge,

  1. Quantum Algorithms for X [Day 1] [Day 2] [Day 3] [Day 4] [Day 5][Day 6][Day 7][Day 8]

At University of Oxford

  1. Linear Algebra (MT, 2018), Probability Theory (TT, 2019) at Keble College.

  2. Tutor for Quantum Information courses at CompSci and Maths Departments (2020).

At NIUS-HBCSE, Minicourse on Quantum entanglement (2016).

Publicly available video lectures of various CS, Maths, and Physics courses offered in 2020, 2021, 2022


I am postdoctoral scholar at UC Berkeley, advised by Lin Lin and a member of NSF-CIQC. Before coming to Berkeley, I was a Clarendon Scholar at the University of Oxford, and wrote my doctoral thesis on Quantum Cryptanalysis, Proof Systems, and Causal Structures, advised by Jonathan Barrett. I was also the recipient of Google-Deepmind Scholarship and Keble Sloane-Robinson Award at Oxford. Before that, I worked on quantum cryptography and causality with Prasanta Panigrahi, at IISER Kolkata.

My last name is Roy Moulik.
Pronouns : he/him.