DES-INV 23 Creative Programming and Electronics teaches computational skills such as coding and circuitry through creative practices and art making.

Here's to you Miss Maggie

Sangyeon Lee

Audio Responsive Drawing Machine

A little bit of Processing mixed with a lot of 3D printer.

Cameron Chaney

Snapshot in Time

Donna Ye / Shalandy Zhang

not a song

Barrak Darweesh

little flutist

Cameron Chaney / McKenna O'Keefe / Jack Wallis

bad guy

Shalandy Zhang / Timothy Thai / Donna Ye


Emily Kim

A glass bottle and a syringe.

Sangyeon Lee

Pencil Eater

Barrak Darweesh

Life in a CRT

Bonney Ruan

We're always playing games as certain characters, but what if we could live as them?


Zack Dinh

Life finds an away.

Cygnus, constellation of the swan

Sangyeon Lee


Sigurd EilerĂĄs / Angela Lee

Synesthesia itself is defined as “the production of a sense impression relating to one sense or part of the body by stimulation of another sense or part of the body”; in this particular case, the structure mimics the experience of hearing notes and, concurrently, seeing associated colors.

Staring at Light

Jordan Eng / Joy Ma

Our project uses lasers and mirrors in order to create dynamic patterns.

a watched pot

Bonney Ruan

A watched pot never boils.

Magnetic field

Barrak Darweesh / Tina Taleb


Donna Ye / Shalandy Zhang

iSpy is a work that is based on the natural phenomenon of the camera obscura effect, or pinhole imaging. We built upon this natural phenomenon to deliver a personalized experience of reimagining what we see.

Art of Timing

Katniss Lee

I loved gum-ball machines when I was little. Putting in a coin and the machine will do the trick of moving the gum-ball from top to down, and I have always wanted to make one myself.

Visualizing My Own Voice

Alessandro Baravalle

This project involved taking apart the electronics of an old Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) Tv and rewiring components so that the TV could connect directly to a sound generator and visualize sound waves.

Music Machine: Proof of Concept

Sangyeon Lee


Jack Wallis


Shalandy Zhang

the flow will never end

Donna Ye

String Theory

Susan Lin

Pleats & Petals

Susan Lin


Timothy Thai

Dynamic and Static Contours w/ Kinect V2

Timothy Thai


Processing, Motif and Pattern

Joy Ma

A day in a magic apprentice's life

Processing, Final project

Joy Ma

The Lake (Lyrics Video)

Angela Lee

mish mash

art made in processing

Clare Lin

Spark AR Studio

Exploring augmented reality in social media

Ruby Werman

presentation, filter

Popcorn Singularity

Zack Dinh / Deborah Lin


Sigurd EilerĂĄs


Hailey Windsor

Vaporwave music visualizer

James Yoo

Playing with Images

Katniss Lee

Space Theme

Shefali Sastry

Lasers Simulation

Jordan Eng

Astro DJ

Jack Wallis and McKenna O'Keefe


Clare Lin

Field Projections

Alessandro Baravalle

Flocking Behavior

Susan Lin

Digital Friend

Bonney Ruan

An AR Exploration

Ryan Qiao

Lu Bryant DesInv 23 Final.mp4

Daily Sketches

Bryant Lu

Final Project

Eliza Page van Hamel Platerink



Corey Hu

final (1).mp4

Kinect Painting

Barrak Darweesh

des inv 23 final project.mp4


Julia Liu


Scribbly Animate Demo

Athena Leong