Debananda Misra | Publications
Assistant Professor. School of Public Policy.
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

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Peer-reviewed journals

Misra, D and Stensaker, B (2023) Balancing control and legitimacy in higher education policy implementation. Studies in Higher Education. Accepted for publication

Misra, D. and Pugh, R (2023). Developing non-core regions by establishing new universities. Regional Studies 1-15. Journal link

Misra, D. and Pinheiro, R (2020). Engaging with local communities: Five key lessons that businesses can learn from universities.  Industry and Higher Education. Journal link

Misra, D. (2020). Using inquiry–based learning in executive education programmes. Journal of Workplace Learning 32(8), 599-613. Journal link

Misra, D. (2020). A path dependent analysis of the effect of location on the development of new universities. Higher Education (80), 289-304. Journal link

Moran, E. and Misra, D. (2018). Professional Doctorates: A Pathway to Legitimacy for Non-Academic HE Professionals? London Review of Education 16(1), 75–89. Journal link

Misra, D. (2015). University Knowledge Spillover Effects on Entrepreneurship: An Exploratory Study of Indian Entrepreneurs. South Asian Journal of Management 22(4), 29–62.

Book reviews

Misra, D. (2017). Book review: Leading and Managing Indigenous Education in the Postcolonial World. Management in Education 31(2), 103–103. May 2017. Journal link


Opinion piece: Locations limit new public universities impact in India. World Policy Section. Times Higher Education. February 2019. Link to article

Report: Moving Towards Knowledge Based Economy: Basic Imperatives & Agenda for Reforms. Published by the Confederation of Indian Industries. August 2015. Download report here

Journal article: Misra, D., Sundararajan, V., and Wright, P. K. (2005). Zig-zag tool path generation for sculptured surface. Geometric and Algorithmic Aspects of Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing, 265. Journal link. 

Conference paper: Wright, P. K., Dornfeld, D. A., Sundararajan, V., and Misra, D. (2004). Tool path planning generation for finish machining of freeform surfaces in the cybercut process planning pipeline. Transactions of NAMRI/SME, 32, 159-166.