Welcome to Year 2

2LT: Mrs Marshall (Teacher) and Miss Terry (Maternity)

Miss Bryan (Teaching assistant)

2PW: Miss Watton (Teacher)

Mrs Burns (Teaching assistant)

KS1 HLTA - Mrs Dawkins

Welcome Year 2!

We are so happy to see you all back at school and welcome you into Year 2!

We really loved seeing how hard you worked at home over the summer holidays - your sweetie houses look (and smell) absolutely amazing! We hope this has inspired you to do some fantastic writing at school, where we will be learning all about Traditional Tales.


Please make sure all uniform is clearly labelled with your child's full name.

If your child would like a snack at break time please send one into school with them. Children are allowed to bring in a reusable drinks bottle with their name clearly labelled.

Children must wear their full outdoor PE kits to school on PE days (Tuesdays and Wednesdays).

We will be changing reading books once per week (2 books will be sent home). Please remember you can also access Bug Club to practise your child's reading skills. Passwords for the new Google Classroom and Bug club will be sent home with your child within the first two weeks of the term. If you have forget your passwords you can reset them using the password reset form below.

Thank you for your continued support,

MIss Watton and Mrs Marshall


Spellings will be added on Google Classroom every Friday and the children will be tested in school every Thursday. The spellings consist of 5 words which contain the weekly spelling rule and 5 common exception words for Year 2.

(You can find all of the spelling rules for Year 2 by clicking here and scrolling down to Year 2).

You can use the LOOK, SAY, COVER, WRITE and CHECK layout to practise your spellings together at home.

Home Learning Zone

Go to Google Classroom to find today's home learning tasks.

Log on to Google Classroom via the chrome browser to upload your work, photos or any questions you may have! You' ll need your Google login...

...Or download the app on your phone or tablet. Click here for Apple App Store or here for Android Google Play Store.

Password reset form - these will be sent securely via Parent Hub

AUtumn 1

Our topic this half term is...

Into the woods


This half term, we will be focusing on addition and subtraction. We will be:

  • partitioning two digit numbers

  • Continuing to practise our 2, 5 and 10 times tables

  • adding 1 digit to 2 digit numbers

  • looking at number bonds to 10 and 20


We will continue to follow the Read, Write Inc. programme for reading and phonics. These skills will be developed through other areas of the curriculum. You can help your child by listening to them read and practising their spellings at home.

In English, we will be learning all about Traditional Tales! We will be thinking concentrating on the tale of Hansel and Gretel and making predictions about how the story will end. We will be focusing on the language used in the story and identifying the nouns, adjectives and verbs within it. We will be focusing on using this language in our own writing. As always we will be working on our beautiful handwriting and fantastic spellings too!


Our topic this half term is Into the Woods.

In Geography this half term, we will be learning all about the features of a woodland area. We will do this by visiting our own school forest area. We will name and locate the four countries of the UK and study the human and physical features of these areas. We will create sketch maps of the local area, including a key and symbols. We will then compare this to a woodland area. We will use compass points to give simple directions to plan a route out of a woodland area. Finally, the children will look at woodland wildlife and the importance of conserving woodlands.


In Science this term, we will be learning about Living things and their habitats.

We will be discovering:

  • The difference between things that are alive, dead or never alive.

  • Local habitats and what may live in them.

  • Food chains (how to create and understand them).


In art, we are going to be learning all about landscapes. We will experiment with pattern, print and materials to create our very own landscape artwork!


During our PSHE time in school we will be concentrating on 'Being me in my world'. We will be focusing on our feelings, hopes and dreams. We will also be looking at British Values including democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.


We have 2 lessons of PE each week. We will have PE on a Tuesday and Wednesday.

For the time being we ask that your child comes into school in their PE kits on these days. Obviously, with the colder months coming, we ask that you send them in jogging bottoms as they will be wearing their kit all day at school.

Our author in Year 2 is...