A Plastic Free Planet: Empowering One Student at a Time

  • By 2050, there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish.
  • All the plastic ever created is still on this planet in some shape or form.
  • Humans produce about 20,000 plastic bottles every second!

These statistics need to change! We need to openly engage with young people in our community about plastic pollution as it is one of the most pressing issues of our time.

Young people are inherently capable individuals and–when given autonomy–are capable of changing the world. Plastic pollution affects not only the climate, but also our health. We need to change our habits and we need to take responsibility for our actions. Children are the key to change; they are the future. If they grow up aware, then the stance on plastic pollution will change.

Through this curriculum, I provide creative ways to work with young people to understand this issue. By dividing the course into five parts, I hope to provide educators with the tools to make a lasting impact in the lives of children:

  • The Context– Help students think about the life cycle of objects and daily use products. Help them see the bigger picture.
  • The Reality– Help students understand their role in the problem.
  • The Impact– Help students understand the impact of their habits.
  • The Change– Help students come up with creative solutions and reduce plastic use in daily life.
  • The Action– Help students implement their ideas.