Welcome to Second Grade!

2020-2021 School Year

Welcome to Second Grade at Burbank!

This year will be a little bit different, but we cannot wait to have you in second grade! Even if we don't get to see each other in our classroom all the time, we are still going to have so much fun this year!

Preparing for at-home learning

  1. Classroom teachers are creating parent surveys and sending them by e-mail. If you haven't filled yours out yet, please do!

  2. Your child will need a place to work. Use this check-list as a guide.

    • Help your child select a calm place with a minimum number of distractions and ambient noise.

    • Make sure your child brings no toys to the work station. If you believe your child needs a fidget or other device to improve their concentration, please reach out to their teacher.

    • Make sure your child is able to sit in a chair in front of or next to a flat surface in order to write without getting up. Standing may be more comfortable for some, however lying down is not conducive to learning or effective participation. (This does not mean flexible seating options can't exist for independent work and reading times. Your child's teacher will be clear about expectations regarding independent work and reading).

    • Ensure that your child's take-home kit is in the child's school work space. If you need support in organizing the materials from the take home kit in your child's workspace, please reach out to your child's teacher.

    • Though many supplies will be a part of the kit, your child needs immediate access to pencils, erasers, and paper.

    • It is important for students to stay hydrated. Please make sure your child's water bottle is stored next to them at their work station. Make sure the water bottle can closed tightly (no cups, please), and that they do not have to get up to take a drink.

    • We will be providing times for students to read throughout the day. Please have a storage spot for the books your child is currently reading at their work station, so they will not have to get up to start reading.

    • Please think about the child's access to a charging station that gives them flexibility to move around while still looking at the device! Charging cords are very short, and many of the best work stations may not be next to outlets. If they are not, please provide the child an extension cord that lays on top of their work surface. Low batteries should be an instant fix that doesn't disrupt their workflow or attendance.

  3. Paper books are important. Here are some options.

    • Public libraries have found ways to lend and collect books for their patrons, free of charge! Sign in or register on the Minuteman Library Network and Boston Public Library sites to get started.

    • Scholastic Book Clubs are taking orders. All second grade teachers have Scholastic Book Club Accounts (their class codes can be found on their website pages). The books can be mailed to Burbank or directly to your home.

    • Little Free Libraries may be located nearby. Search this map or even start your own. These honor-system boxes ask you to bring books back when you're done, and add books when you can.

    • Trade with friends! Get rid of those boring books on your shelf and replace them with someone else's books. Write your name in them to get them back later, or just send them on their way if you feel done with them.

    • Support local businesses like Belmont Books, Frugal Bookstore, and other local independent bookstores, or save money at used bookstores like The Book Rack and Used Book Superstore. Stay safe and buy online with Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Thriftbooks.