Tutorials to help students and parents with Google Classroom assignments:

Turning in Work

Attaching Work

Unsubmit work to make corrections
28 April 2020
BCCS parents,
Welcome to remote learning. To continue with our Keyboarding Without Tears application for our K-6th graders, the student will need to start using my teacher pin: 747D2F to get to the class page. From that page, all students should know how to proceed, but feel free to contact me if they have forgotten.
In technology class this quarter our K-1 grade students will be using SeeSaw to continue their Keyboarding Without Tears and do some online keyboard puzzles.
In technology class this quarter our 2-3 grade students will be using Google Classroom and Google Slides to do some online keyboard puzzles and they will continue with their Keyboarding Without Tears.
Our 4th-6th graders will also be using Google Classroom, Keyboarding Without Tears and they will be using Google Slides to create a digital portfolio of all their work this year. They will be adding graphic arts to the portfolio, including: a 2D drawing, a 3D drawing, a song and an avatar.
Our Middle School students will be finishing their final spreadsheet project, continuing with typing reinforcement lessons and taking the TechForTomorrow virtual field trip. If your student remembers their password, they can access the coding site from home by using this link: Accounts Page.
Select your child's grade for more information about their grade level.