Sydney Edwards

2nd Grade Teacher

Dear parents,

Welcome to 2nd Grade! I am excited to have your child in my classroom this year. This is my 2nd of teaching, but my third year here at Beekman Charter School. My main goal for this year is to ensure that your child learns as much as they can while having fun and making memories in my classroom. This year we will participate in many activities, projects, & experiments.

I will be available to return phone calls during my planning period or after school. If it is not an urgent matter, please send a note with your child or send me an email / remind message. I will try my best to return emails and phone calls on the same business day unless there are unforeseen circumstances. If it is urgent, you may leave me a message in the school office at 318-281-1743.

If you are changing the way that your child is getting home for the day, please send a note or you may call the office. We have had problems in the past with students not knowing how they are getting home. The office is very busy in the afternoons, and a message may not get to your child before it is time to leave. To cut down on confusion, please email or send a remind message to me before calling the office.

We will have a weekly conduct party to reward good behavior and hard work. I ask that each month could you send $4 with your son/daughter in order to pay for the snacks each week. I know sometimes things get chaotic, and we may forget, so this will help us both.

This year we will be implementing a highlighter system. I ask that you purchase a yellow, green, pink, and blue highlighter. Each color represents a different level of understanding. After homework each night, I would like your son/daughter to highlight their name in the colored level that they feel they may be at. Instructions are attached.

I look forward to working with you and your child this year. Thank you in advance for your help and support!

Thank you,

Sydney Edwards

Office Phone: 381-281-1743

Rules & Procedures

Dear Parents,

I want to make sure that your child has the type of educational environment that will maximize his/her learning potential. In order to provide your child with this opportunity, it is important that a discipline plan is followed at all times.

These are the rules of our


1. Raise your hand for permission to speak.

2. Stay in your seat.

3. Follow directions.

4. Listen carefully.

5. Be respectful.

6. Be kind to others.

If a student chooses to break a rule, the following consequences will be used.

1. Non-Verbal Warning

2. Verbal Warning (5 minutes off recess)

3. Student Conference and clip down (Loss of recess)

4. Parent phone call home and clip down

5. Referral and clip down. (Send to the Principal)

EACH clip down is counted as a conduct mark.

Dangerous or destructive behavior will result in immediate removal to the principal's office. Students who behave appropriately will be positively rewarded with praise, positive notes, small rewards, and other special privileges. Please discuss the plan with your child, then sign and return the slip below.

Thank you for your support!