The Art of Physical Distance and Social Connection


Thank you to all of my students for finding beautiful and original ways to make art during the pandemic. Though we had a little less face-to-face time this year, I am still blown away by the work that came out of it. My hope for you all is that you continue to make art, whether it's as a profession, hobby, or emotional outlet. Enjoy your summer and know that I am very proud!

-Mrs. Sussman

Like a masked wedding taking place outside in a snowy landscape, our year of hybrid teaching and learning — and art-making — was not what any of us would have planned or hoped for. However, and perhaps also like the ceremony pictured here, the awkward, inauspicious, and challenging circumstances of our year gave rise to some wonderful instances of resourcefulness and creativity. While much of that positive energy — a thought-provoking question asked or a fantastic insight shared by a student working remotely, or a moment of spontaneity and sharing in person — cannot really be conveyed through this on-line gallery, a great deal of it can. That is a testament to the perseverance and creativity of our students.

-Mr. Sheinfeld

This past year has been challenging in ways we have not experienced before. Thank you to all my students that approached remote learning with a teacher that is remote with an open mind and persisted with their creativity, learning and art making. Much beautiful work was made this year! as you will see in this Gallery.

-Ms Wagner

If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are going.

-Lao Tzu

This year pushed all of us outside our comfort zones (and beyond!) and forced us to change direction. This led us to new and unpredictable ways we approach life and made us appreciate things we may have taken for granted, like reading an expression on a student's face or being able to all be in the same classroom together.

I look forward to starting next year with a new perspective, welcoming our ninth graders to BHS and hopefully seeing some familiar faces in my classes. Many thanks to all of our students who contributed to this gallery and our BHS alumni who shared their work with us; it's exciting to see your continued growth as artists!

-Mr. Hagan