Volunteerism & Individual Action

See past volunteer projects Memorial Early College High School Chapter Members have completed as well as individual action students are taking this year to help give back!

2019-2020 School Year: Volunteer Projects

Twenty-five Memorial Early College students decided to find a way to encourage students during one of the most stressful times of their year – testing season. Because students at this school are highly driven and academically advanced, this time of year decreases their sociability and connection to one another. Members decided to increase their school connectedness with hand written cards – 341, enough for each student in the entire school to receive one – with thoughtful, personalized messages. They also organized and invited the entire student body to an ice cream social at the end of this exhausting state-wide testing week to spread kindness and positivity and help create a closer school community.

The second annual Memorial Early College High School Adopt-A-Child event was a huge success. Leading up to the event, the Chapter Leaders collaborated alongside administration from both our campus and our partners at Goodwin Frazier Elementary School. A student from our neighboring elementary school was assigned to each advisory class. BISIW members and MECHS faculty joined forces to create a festive, fun, and welcoming environment for the students. Classes put their own spin on the Christmas spirit with Christmas movies, snacks, and gifts. Booths with fun Christmas-themed activities were set up in our common area with the goal of making this day a fun surprise for all students who took part. The incoming students were also able to enjoy a fun-filled afternoon meeting Santa, decorating cookies, and reading Christmas books.

Each “adopted” child went home with two backpacks, one filled with necessities and the other with fun gifts. Overall, this event benefitted not only the sponsored students, but the MECHS family as well. Students got to experience first-hand the heartwarming of giving back to the children in our community who need it the most.