PE with Mr. V

Welcome to PE with Mr. V at Errol Hassell Elementary School! The physical education program at EH will help students to become physically literate individuals. This means that students will learn what they need to do in order to live a healthy, active lifestyle. While competition is fun for some students, it can be scary and intimidating for others. That's why the real winners during PE are those students who come to the gym ready to work on their skills, try hard, get some exercise, and have fun doing it. Students should leave PE knowing what choices they can make in order to live a healthy lifestyle. In PE, we emphasize participation with a positive attitude, good sportsmanship, trying hard, and teamwork.

Program Goals:

The goal of the PE program at Errol Hassell Elementary School is to help students develop physical literacy. The bodies and minds of students are challenged through movement exploration, motor skill development, and fitness activities. This is accomplished without stressing competition and focusing on effort, personal growth, and fun. Students should leave elementary school possessing the necessary skills to participate in a wide variety of physical activities.

What does this really mean?

It does not matter which student can throw a ball the hardest or which student is the fastest runner. PE with Mr. V is all about learning how to make yourself better. Students should try not to compare themselves to their peers, but rather focus on doing their personal best and trying to improve themselves each and every day. Students should gain the knowledge and skills they need in order to make healthy choices for their own personal lives. Students should also learn to never give up or stop trying.

What is physical and health literacy?

Physical literacy is having the confidence and competence to be able to participate in a wide variety of physical activities. Health literacy is knowing what choices a person should make to lead a healthy, active lifestyle. The following video series helps explain exactly what physical and health literacy are and why they are so important.