Sophie Wong

Celebrating Myself And My Learning Communities

Dear Readers,

Welcome to my Primary Years Program Exhibition page.

My name is Sophie Wong and I am currently a Year 6 student at Beacon Hill School. My favorite thing to do is to play my flute, especially in the school orchestra. I enjoy some sports such as swimming, tennis, squash, and I love working as a musician in the orchestra, as it includes playing my flute and playing with lots of different types of instruments. I live with my mom, dad, and my sister, Megan.

I am really proud of the fact that I got accepted into the school orchestra. I managed to do this because of my positive attitude and the support I have from friends and family. In Year 6, I specifically enjoyed making the PYPX journal the most as we got to go to lots of extraordinary places for field trips, and lots more. I had lots of fun making it. On the other hand, I did not enjoy not going to school for months without seeing my friends in person.

One of the most unique experiences at Beacon Hill School in Year 6 was when we went to Outward Bound Camp. We slept one night in the forest and it was surprisingly comfier than the dorms because the sand in the dorms beds and the hardwood was not comfortable while the sleeping bags we used was very soft and comfy. We did kayaking across one island to another, it was very exhausting. We also did an almost 5-hour hike. It was a very long day but I also got lots of exercise on that day.

Looking forward to next year at secondary school, I am a little worried about getting started as normal. As we all had so much time away from the classroom, I might need some time to get used to our classroom routine. On a positive note, I will get to see my best friends again soon in person.

This website is designed to show you who I am. Not only is it meant to show you what I like and what I am good at, but also what I hope to improve on and even things I might be concerned about. This site is meant to reflect me as effectively as possible. I hope you enjoy visiting my site. I would like to thank teachers for supporting me the whole year long.

I am looking forward to going back to school and seeing all my friends again. Please enjoy visiting my website. Thank you for visiting my website.
