
ADVERT 23/04/21

Exhibition Video 2.mp4

My Wellbeing Space 20/04/21

Dear Emilie,

Hi! How are you doing? I am doing fine by the way. I got the letter you sent me about your wellbeing space and it was magnificent, I loved it. Anyways, since you wrote a letter to me about your wellbeing space I decided to write one about mine. SO… Hope you enjoy it!

My Wellbeing Space

My wellbeing space is the same as yours, my room. I have many things in my room, it is basically I filled to the top with random things there are books, plants, sports stuff, and thousands of other things. My room isn’t as ginormous as yours but I still love it and once I get in I never come out (It is so comfy). Once you enter my room you instantly feel calm and relaxed, like you are in a familiar little corner or a safe space. Let me tell you a bit more about it…


First, I will tell you a bit about the interior of my room. The interior of my room is pretty simple, it is a rectangle shape, it is medium-sized and the walls are just plain white. The furniture is also pretty basic as well, it has a bed, a bookshelf, a desk, cupboards, and a wardrobe. But... The colors of my room are what make my room different. Whenever I decorate my room I always use vibrant and beautiful colors to make it a nice place to hang out in. I think together, the plain walls and the unique colors are the things that make my room mine. You should come to visit sometime!

Take Notice

In my room, there are loads of ways to take notice. One of the things that I have in my room to help me take notice is my plants. Plants help me take notice by making me feel calm and relaxed, and they can even improve my memory, attention, and concentration. Another way I take notice in my room is by keeping organized, it helps me take notice by making me not forget things and it helps reduce stress. Some other things that help me take notice are by drawing, writing, or breathing in my mindful corner in my room and also by taking notice of the environment around me. These things help me take notice by improving my understanding of myself, helping me enjoy the world around me, it helps my ability to process info, and it helps with any stress or anxiety I might have.


Letter to myself

Dear Future Self,

I know you are a very busy and hardworking person but I just wanted to tell you the things I like about you! I like that you are a very funny person, you make silly faces and make amusing jokes all the time. You can also be a very caring person too, you make sure that your friends are feeling great and you comfort them when they are upset. Another thing I like about you is that you are always very honest and that people can always trust you with things. I like that you are a very intelligent person and that you know how to do many different things like bake and play the piano. One of my favourite parts about you is that you are a very empathetic and thoughtful person, you think about others and how they feel.

I hope that now you aren't as crazy as a monkey anymore and I with that you are a little less annoying to your friends. Even though you can chat a lot during class I hope you are still as independent as before.

Well, that's all I wanted to say, hope you are doing well!


Central Idea