B-EAF Awards 2024
Espanol B-EAF Scholarship Presentation
B-EHS Class of 2024 Senior Awards, Achievements & Recognitions

Welcome B-EHS Students! 

Are you planning to attend a 4-year university, community college, or technical college? If yes, it's time to research and apply for FREE money! 💰

Scholarships are gifts. They don't need to be repaid. There are THOUSANDS of them, offered by schools, employers, private companies, nonprofits, communities, and religious groups (Check out the B-EHS Local Scholarships Spreadsheet). Begin applying for as many scholarships as you can! You can never apply for too many scholarships! Scholarships may be awarded based on academic achievement, leadership potential, artistic talents, athletic ability, career plans, the field of study, or special hobbies or interests.  

Be sure you find out about the specific requirements of your scholarships.

Follow these steps below to get started. Good Luck! 🍀

✔️ Submitting a *FAFSA or *WASFA are your first steps for finding money for college! *Free Application for Federal Student Aid 🔻

Start HERE, Prepare a financial plan and apply for financial aid: The Free Application for *Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) or the Washington Application for State Financial Aid (WASFA) applications open in December. You should complete this step as soon as possible!

Before you begin to fill out the FAFSA application... 


*WASFA Information (state financial aid for students who are not eligible for federal aid because of immigration status, including undocumented students) 👆Click here if *WASFA applies to you! 

The Washington Application for State Financial Aid (WASFA) is the first step to apply for financial aid for some undocumented students who live in Washington state. Completing the WASFA is free and gives eligible students access to state financial aid to pay for vocational, technical, 2-year, and 4-year colleges in Washington. Undocumented students with or without DACA should complete the WASFA. 

✔️ Apply to COLLEGE Scholarships! 🔻

If you know where you will be attending, we encourage you to visit your specific school scholarship website. Click on this link for quick College Scholarship Links!


Don't Forget!

✔️ Apply for The B-EAF: The Burlington-Edison Alumni Foundation, Dollars for Scholars! 

The B-EAF is called the Burlington-Edison Alumni Foundation / Dollars for scholars! Donations from individuals, businesses, and foundations provide the funding for local scholarships. The B-EAF has over 60+ donors and last school year they awarded many scholarships totaling $189,430 to our BE students!

The Foundation is managed by an all-volunteer Board of Directors, comprised of community and business leaders, who fundraise and manage local scholarships, and are committed to assisting students to achieve their higher education goals. 

If you have any questions regarding The B-EAF, please contact Andy Martin atmartin1@comcast.net

Don't forget to:

✔️ LOCAL A: Apply to Local Scholarships! 🔻

Local scholarships are a great way to help pay for college! Our Local donors want to see our students succeed. The chances of winning a local scholarship are greater than the odds of winning state or national scholarships. Start applying today!

How to Get Started: 

1.) 🔍 Search and review the 50+(Skagit Valley area) 👆B-EHS Local Scholarship Spreadsheet. 

  • Note: The B-EHS Local Scholarship Spreadsheet is managed by Dalila Rodriguez dlrodriquez@be.wednet.edu & Dina Padilla dpadilla@be.wednet.edu.  If you have any questions, please email us! 

2.) 👀 Read Eligibility & Criteria Requirements Carefully

3.) 📝 Get Organized: Make a solid list of scholarships for which you are eligible. Use this 👆Scholarship Application Organizer to keep track of all the scholarships you apply to. 

4.) 💻 Apply for the scholarships you are eligible for! 

⚠️ IMPORTANT: Before you submit your scholarship...Double-check the required documents for your specific scholarship because each application will require different documents!

Scholarship Application: Thoroughly read the application. 

1 or 2 letter(s) of Recommendation: Usually from an educator and a non-family member. 

  • Ask people who have worked closely with you like your high school teachers, previous employers, coaches, and community leaders.

Essay: Make it personal and include impactful details.

B-EHS Transcript: Records of your academic achievements

Resume: Connect your resume to the scholarship.

College Acceptance Letter: Stating you are admitted to the college you applied for. 

✔️ LOCAL B: After reviewing the Local Scholarship Spreadsheet, do you meet any of these scholarships' criteria listed below? 🔻

If yes...you're in luck! Filling out ONE application covers ALL the scholarships listed below! 

What is the B-EHS Local Scholarship Application? Answer: These Local scholarship donors listed below have agreed to use our B-EHS Local Scholarship Application for their specific scholarship in order to help make the process more efficient for our students.  HOWEVER, many of the scholarships listed below require additional essays (Go to Part 1 to read the specific essays). Be sure to find out about the specific requirements!

  1. Burlington P.E.O - (Women’s Scholarship) 
  2. Burlington Lions Club Scholarship
  3. (B-EEA) Burlington-Edison Education Association: 3 TYPES OF SCHOLARSHIPS
    1. BEEA 4-Year/Transfer Degree
    2. BEEA 2-Year/Non-Transfer Degree
    3. BEEA Future Teacher
  4. Burlington Morning Rotary Scholarship
  5. The Burlington-Edison Kiwanis 
    1. Key Club Kiwanis’ Scholarship: 
    2. Technical Training Scholarship
    3. Academic Scholarship
    4. SVC Transfer Scholarship
  6. B-EHS Faculty Future Teacher Scholarship
  7. B-EHS Faculty 1-2 year Technical/Career Program ONLY
  8. Josh’s Running Scholarship
  9. Burlington Mid-Day Rotary Club
  10. West View Elementary Scholarship
  11. Unit No. 91 American Legion Auxiliary-Burlington
  12. Public School Employees
  13. Soroptimist International of Burlington Memorial Scholarship
  14. Heather Schols Memorial Scholarship
  15. Bay View PTA- Nancy Moller Scholarship


PART 1: 👀 READ the Specific Requirements for the scholarships you are eligible for:

 🐯B-EHS Local Scholarship Application-SPECIFIC ESSAYS - Google Doc. 

PART 2: ✍🏼 Fill out the B-EHS Local Scholarship Application TIP: Watch this B-EHS Local Scholarship Application How-to-video!

 🐯 B-EHS Local Scholarship Application!

⚠️Don't Forget: Once you open the application, you will need to make a copy of your own! Go to "File", choose "Make a Copy" and rename it and save it in your Google Drive. 

✔️ Apply to STATE Scholarships! 🔻

Apply to NATIONAL Scholarships! 🔻

National Scholarships Spreadsheet

Need Help? Helping you find money for college! 💰

Dalila Rodriguez 

Contact Mrs. Rodriguez: dlrodriguez@be.wednet.edu 

Scholarship Application Tips

The Recommended order for applying for scholarships.