Time to explore circuitry and bring interdisciplinary connections to the classroom. Makey-Makey kits host a single circuit board that can connect to online coding platforms like Scratch to allow for coding and circuitry creations to come to life.

We have two kits hosting six Makey-Makeys. They can be utilized in a small group setting, OR both kits can be reserved for a whole group coding excursion. Click here for a preview of sample lesson plans involving Makey-Makeys. Check out a trailer all about the Make-Makey kits here!

Check out the new 1B@T micro-unit on the Makey-Makey Invention Kits!

Step up Directions for students!

Click the folder to view!

Embeddable Beginner Makey Makey Activities for At-Home Learners

Please take a look at the calendar to see if the dates you need are available. If you see a kit displayed on the calendar, that kit has been checked out. Your Digital Learning Specialist will reach out to you to confirm the details.