Hello Beginner Physics students! Welcome. Please make sure to take notes in your notebooks as you learn about Physics. Try the experiments and return the materials when you are finished. Only students who finish all Levels will get to do the VR. 

Level 1 What is Physics? Watch the videos in the black and white book and draw or write about what you learn in your notebook. Keep your notebook safe in the Physics Tub.  You will need your notebook for the next Levels.

When you finish watching the videos, check off Level 1 and do a FLIP video to show what you have learned.

Level 2: Can you Defy Gravity Part 1? This will be fun! Read the pink book and try out the experiment with the Legos and paperclips. Can you get the paperclips to hang in the air? Take notes in your notebook and record a FLIP video of your experiment. When you finish check off Level 2!

Level 3: Can you Defy Gravity Part 2? Read the black and white book to the right. You will need some help with this experiment. Watch the video first then gather your materials and go to the K bathroom sink to give it a try! Do not get water on the floor. Do the experiment over the sink carefully. Write about it in your notebook and do a FLIP video to talk about or show your experiment.

Level 4: Sign up for the VR trip to the International Space Station!