NBHS Media Center

Where do I start?

Many online resources is available through the NCEdCloud dashboard. Visit the NBHS website and choose the Student Portal link to get started. To access the Destiny catalog that houses the library's collection, follow the instructions to the right.

To access the Destiny catalog

Students, is there a book you'd like to see in the library collection?

Recommend a book to your librarian! Fill out our form and we will consider adding it to our collection. 

Books for consideration are thoroughly vetted and reviewed.
Final purchase is at the discretion of the library.

Parents, opt-in your student for public library access!

Parents, the deadline to OPT-IN for a Buncombe County Public Library card has been extended to December 15th! Complete this Public Library Card Request Form to Opt-In. It’s free and gives your student access to the public library system, including the NC Digital Library. A separate form must be filled out for each student. 

Note: In previous years, students were automatically enrolled unless parents opted-out; now, an opt-in by the parent is required.