
Welcome to the Jefferson Virtual Google Site. My name is Mrs. Campas and I am your Jefferson Family and Community Engagement Liaison (FACE). I am here to help and support you and your child(ren) in any way I can.

Please take a moment to look around the site! I have provided links to all district parent committees, upcoming events and any other resources you may need.

Feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns at 631-3250.

Monthly Calendar

April 2022

April ENG Calendar 2022.pdf
April SPAN Calendar 2022 (1).pdf

4/4 Special Educational Advisory Committee (GATE) @ 3:00

4/4 District Parents as Leaders (PALS) @ 9:00

4/5 District Advisory Committee (DAC) @ 11:30

4/6 District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) @ 9:00

4/20 PAL's Drive Celebration Through at District Office @ 9:00 -10:00 am

4/21/22 Parent University Graduation @ 6:00 pm

event held at the Fox Theatre

4/26 District African American Parent Advisory Committee (DAAPAC) @ 11:00

4/27 Now We're Cooking via Facebook live ecparents @ 5:00

4/28 Superintendent Parent Advisory- (SPAC) @ 3:00 pm

4/28 2 Hour Delay for students

Monthly Parent Sessions

21-22 English Jefferson Elementary Parent and Family Engagement Policy
21-22 English Jefferson Elementary Parent and Family Engagement Policy
21-22 Span. Jefferson School Compact