Beacon Primary School started her journey as the only New Primary Future School (NPFS), one of the five pioneer future schools under the FutureSchools@Singapore (FS@SG) programme. The school curriculum provides a technologically-enhanced learning environment where both current and emerging technologies are explored. With our signature Beacon One-to-One (B121) Computer Ownership Programme, every student is equipped with a Personal Learning Device (PLD) and wireless internet access, which empower him with collaborative, independent and self-directed learning, and promote the acquisition of 21st century competencies.

To mark Beacon’s 10th Anniversary as a Future School, the Excellence in ICT Scholarship has been set up by the Founding Principal, Miss Lim Boon Cheng, to encourage and recognise the pursuit of innovation, and excellence in using ICT for learning and beyond. Beacon has been a pathfinder in forging a new paradigm in learning, leveraging the seamless, pervasive and effective use of ICT in teaching and learning. The Founding Principal’s vision of Beacons being trailblazers in the use of ICT has led to the funding of this scholarship.

1. Intent of the scholarship

1.1. This scholarship recognises outstanding Beacons who are talented in the application and innovative use of technology within and beyond the curriculum.

1.2. It supports the interest and continual pursuit of Beacons in harnessing the affordances of ICT effectively.

2. Eligibility

2.1. Beacons (from Primary 4 to 6) are eligible to apply for the scholarship.

2.2. Applicants should demonstrate good conduct, having attained a conduct grade of ‘Very Good’ or ‘Excellent’.

2.3. Applicants should demonstrate excellent use of ICT for learning or champion a cause with the innovative use of ICT. Supporting document(s): Testimonial from a teacher or submission of a digital portfolio.

2.4. Applicants must not hold similar scholarships and not be prior recipients of this scholarship.

3. How to apply

3.1. Applicants must submit their applications online via the Excellence in ICT Scholarship link from the school website.

3.2. All fields in the online application must be completed.

3.3. A short testimonial from a teacher may be submitted to support potential recipient’s ICT competency and knowledge.

3.4. Applicants can submit digital artefacts or projects they have completed (or are work in progress) as part of their applications for the scholarship. Group produced artefacts or projects by the applicants can also be submitted.

3.5. Applicants can also produce a digital introduction about themselves of not more than 1 minute.

3.6. Shortlisted applicants will be invited for an interview.