Frequently Asked Questions


  1. Question: How are students selected?

Answer: There is no selection process. Any BCPS student may attend. Access to high-speed internet is the only requirement. Discussions and meetings with families, administrators, counselors, and the Virtual Academy coordinator will help to determine if the Virtual Academy is a good fit for the learner.

  1. Question: What are the requirements for attending the Virtual Academy?

Answer: The Virtual Academy is available for kindergarten through 12th grade students. Virtual Academy students must be enrolled in the BCPS school district. Access to high-speed internet is also required.

  1. Question: If my child attends a private or home school, may they attend the Virtual Academy?

Answer: Any school-aged student who resides with a parent or legal guardian in Botetourt County may attend the BCPS Virtual Academy. Students who are not enrolled in Botetourt County Public Schools in the 2020-2021 school year will need to register as new BCPS students before they can be eligible to attend the Virtual Academy. New students for next year may preregister now at the school they would attend were they to attend in person.

Signing Up to Attend

  1. Question: How do I sign my students up to attend?

Answer: Begin by completing the Learning Options Survey. You will be contacted to discuss future plans and determine whether the Virtual Academy is a good fit.

  1. Question: Can my student leave the Virtual Academy and return to the physical building for in-person learning? Can students switch from a physical school building to the Virtual Academy mid-year? Can we sign up for Virtual Academy for one semester only?

Answer: No. Decisions about staffing, scheduling, and classroom space require a 1 year committment. This also allows Virtual Academy staff and home school administration to develop student and staff schedules for next school year, develop transportation routes for in-person learning models, and provide technology for Virtual Academy students.


  1. Question: What is the Virtual Academy?

Answer: The Virtual Academy is a new option for learning that will be made available to all students (K-12) in Botetourt County Schools. Instead of attending in person, Virtual Academy students will interact with teachers and learning activities in an online, virtual setting.

  1. Question: What do you mean by home school?

Answer: Home School refers to the school your child would attend if they went in person. Being assigned to a home school will allow Botetourt County Schools to coordinate any student support services.

  1. Question: I still want my child(ren) to feel connected with their home school. How can this be accomplished?

Answer: Students will remain enrolled at their home school and receive student services through their home school. Students will be able to participate in athletics and extracurricular activities, use the library, and consult with counselors at their home school and are invited and encouraged to participate in school social events. Newsletters and other communication from the home school will still be received by Virtual Academy students.

  1. Question: Is there a cost to attend the Virtual Academy?

Answer: There is no cost for BCPS students residing in Botetourt County to attend the Virtual Academy.

  1. Question: What do the terms synchronous and asynchronous mean?

Answer: The term synchronous refers to online instruction that occurs in real time. Teachers and students interact virtually through an online platform. The term asynchronous refers to Online instruction that is flexible and self-paced.​ Students can work at different times and in different locations.

  1. Question: How can I see my student's grades?

Answer: Grades and attendance can be viewed in PowerSchool Parent Portal. Teachers will keep kindergarten and first grade parents up-to-date regarding student progress. Report cards will also be issued at the end of each quarter.

  1. Question: How is attendance determined?

Answer: We are still making decisions regarding how attendance will be calculated.

  1. Question: Will textbooks be provided?

Answer: Textbooks will be provided.

  1. Question: What calendar will the Virtual Academy use?

Answer: The Virtual Academy will follow the BCPS calendar. If school is closed because of inclement weather, the Virtual Academy will be closed as well.

  1. Question: What are the expectations of a parent or guardian in making sure that their student is participating appropriately and effectively?

Answer: Parents have a direct impact on the education their students receive, especially in an online learning setting. Students will need varying levels of support. Typically, younger students need closer supervision and assistance. For these younger students, parents may act as learning coaches who facilitate progress through daily lessons. For older elementary and middle school students, the parent still plays an important supportive role to help the student stay on task and ensure follow-through on his or her assignments. During high school, the student is expected to start managing his or her own time and academic schedule more directly.

  1. Question: What secondary courses will be offered in the Virtual Academy?

Answer: All K-8 core courses and at a minimum a high school pathway to graduation will be offered. High school students may also take band, choir, and AP Art at their home high school, and take classes at BTEC. (Transportation to and from the high schools will not be provided for Virtual Academy students taking these courses.) More specific decisions on course offerings will be made after Virtual Academy student numbers are more concrete.

  1. Question: What will secondary learning look like?

Answer: Courses taught by a third party educational provider will likely be asynchronous. This type of learning is not delivered in-person or in real time. Instruction may include various forms of digital and online learning, such as prerecorded video lessons, game-based learning tasks, projects, and assignments that students complete on their own.

More details about what a typical student day will look like will be available as plans for the Virtual Academy develop. Be sure to check the What's New section of the Virtual Academy website regularly for updates.

  1. Question: What will elementary learning look like?

Answer: More details about what a typical student day will look like will be available as plans for the Virtual Academy develop. Be sure to check the What's New section of the Virtual Academy website regularly for updates.

  1. Question: Can my child still attend Governor's School or Regional Academy?

Answer: Your child may still attend Governor's School or Regional Academy classes.

  1. Question: We initially responded No to the Survey Form, but we have changed our minds. What do we do, or who do we contact?

Answer: You can contact Leah Stephenson, the coordinator of the BCPS Virtual Academy by calling the School Board Office.

  1. Question: May Virtual Academy students take any classes in a BCPS building?

Answer: Yes. Students may take band, choir, and AP Art in BCPS buildings. Students may also take BTEC courses. Transportation to and from BCPS high schools will not be provided for Virtual Academy students taking these courses.

Technology & Internet

  1. Question: Do Virtual Academy students have specific technology requirements?

Answer: Students must have access to high-speed internet. Access points will not be provided. Single students online with no other online users in the household should have a download speed of at least 8 Mbps. A single student online with other online users in the household during learning time: 20Mbps download speed. Multiple Virtual Academy students in the same household should have a download speed of at least 20Mbps. Check with your internet service provider to determine your internet speed.

  1. Question: Will the school division be providing hotspots for students who don't have access to high speed internet at home?

Answer: The division has no plan at this time to provide internet access to individual students.

  1. Question: Will Virtual Academy students be expected to supply their own computer?

Answer: A BCPS chromebook will be issued to every Virtual Academy student. Students who have already been issued a BCPS chromebook will continue to use their current device. Families must have access to high speed internet.

  1. Question: We already have a device at home. Can our child use that instead of the Chromebook and headphones?

Answer: We cannot stop a family from using personal devices while learning remotely, but we encourage you to use the device(s) provided by BCPS. Learning activities and systems will be specifically designed to work with these device. BCPS will only offer technical assistance and repairs for the device(s) we provide for student use.

  1. Question: Can we receive BCPS assistance if we cannot connect the Chromebook to our home WiFi or internet?

Answer: BCPS staff are unable to troubleshoot home wireless connection problems. These problems should be handled by contacting your Internet Service Provider.

  1. Question: Do I need a printer?

Answer: No. You will not need a printer.

Student Support Services

  1. Question: How will gifted students, special education students, English language learners, and speech students recieve services?

Answer: More specifics about how these services will take place are being developed.

  1. Question: Can my student check out library books?

Answer: Yes. Arrangements for checking out books will be coordinated through the home school's library.

  1. Question: My child receives services for special education. Will my student's class be co-taught and how is this going to work?

Answer: Your child’s IEP team or 504 committee will meet to review the goals, services, and/or individual accommodations that will be necessary to support your child’s unique needs and whether that is possible through a virtual program. Ultimately the IEP team is responsible for making determinations about goals, services, and accommodations.

Student Activities

  1. Question: Can students attending the Virtual Academy participate in athletics, clubs, and other student activities?

Answer: Students participating in the Virtual Academy will remain enrolled at their assigned home school location and be eligible to participate in athletics and extracurricular activities at their home school.

  1. Question: Where do Virtual Academy students attend events such as prom and graduation?

Answer: Students will attend events such as prom and graduation at the same locations as other students enrolled at their home school.

Step 1: Watch

Step 2: Consider

Step 3: Review

Step 4: Respond

Complete by February 1, 2021