with Mrs. Caudill


*JUST ADDED: Virtual Field Trips under the HOME tab!*

*COMING SOON: Grade-level activities under the HOME tab*


It's Mother's Day this Sunday! Kids, it's time to show your appreciation for your Moms, Grandmas, and Great-Grandmas. Let's be honest, our moms need a moment in the sun this year with all the added pressure of the current situation. So let's lavish her with thoughtful, homemade ideas that you can tweek to fit what you can do at home!

Happy Mother's Day!!

I LOVE this idea!! There is so much tinkering you can do with this - different types of plastic, how you cut the plastic, temperature of the oven, different starting shapes of plastic (Could we put a fork in the oven and use it for the stem??)... hours of slightly smelly fun (they and I suggest opening a window :]). Put it all together with your favorite glue gun or whatever you have. These would be so pretty in a window!

Link in the title and there is a video to show you how as well as instructions!

Lots of different ideas you can find on pop-up cards... these are particularly impressive. The video for this is kind of long but walks you through each step, so you can pause and complete each step as they go. You do need to print a template. The template allows for a lot of freedom of creativity however! You could really take a look at different flowers' petal symmetry in order to make realistic one or kids can have creative freedom!

Link in the title and there is a video to show you how as well as instructions. There are other ideas other than flowers too!

This is a great idea ... I will be finding a blender to add to my tools at school! This is a great website in general FYI if you want to explore it.

These are easy directions - just don't blend the seeds LOL!! You could try out different types of papers for consistency to write or paint on, different colors to see if you can get something other than grey/brown :). You could even build your own screen if you have some laying about and put a wooden frame around it the size you want your paper. This is too good to pass up and who ever you give this too will remember you all summer long when they plant it!

Link in the title. Here are few more:

Share It! Science - Seed Paper

Nature's Seed - Seed Paper (Super easy instructions)

April 20-25 EARTH WEEK!

Earth Day is 50 years old today!! If we are looking for a silver lining in this whole moment, I think it can be that we are home enough to take care our own personal environment as well as learn a little about what is going on in the world as well as how we can make an impact.

Let's make sure to keep some of these well known ways to help our Earth and maintain our natural resources as we move forward... these are such good habits to teach our kids (and they affect our wallet as well):

      • turning off the water when you are brushing teeth or scrubbing hands (how appropriate for the times);

      • recycling (there are many places to turn in - behind the New Washington fire dept. to name one);

      • turning off lights when you aren't in the room or keeping lights off during the day;

      • using your big appliances during off peak times (check with your electric company).

My personal favorite way to do a little something "green" is to use my clothes line to dry sheets, towels, blankets, clothes, rugs, etc. This is my favorite chore to do... not sure why other than there is nothing better than the smell of sheets after they have dried out on the line! Added Bonus: The sun kills bacteria that might live on your clothing and makes them smell "funky" - I find this especially with bath/kitchen towels and dish rags. You'd also be very surprised at how quickly these big items dry outside. If you don't have lines, you could always take your indoor drying rack outside! (But I HIGHLY suggest getting your own set of clothes lines...)

We are also big on planting trees over here in Caudille-ville. (We have over 100 trees to plant this year...who's idea was that!?! But I guess it's a pretty good spring for it...) The Seneca Soil and Water people have a yearly tree sale that you can buy saplings of pines/maples/oaks and others types for cheap, cheap, cheap! Their sale is done for the year but the pick up is this week - they usually have extras you can buy (first come first serve)... here is the link to that post on their website: Seneca County Soil and Water Conservation District Tree Sale Post

Some ideas from NUHOP Outdoor Education (link below):

What can you do? There's a lot to choose from...

  • We have compiled lots of options of activities for you below. You can play our games, do our crafts, make our recipes, or do anything else that involves making the planet cleaner. Here are some additional suggestions:

      • Plant a tree (or several).

      • Teach someone about recycling.

      • Purchase, decorate, or create a reusable alternative to something disposable. (example: a reusable tote bag instead of plastic grocery bags)

      • Create artwork that celebrates the planet and/or teaches about what it means to be green.

      • Make a sign to remind your family to turn off lights or faucet when they aren't needed.

Another silver lining about people staying at home... the lack of air pollution in the world. Maybe not so much around here, but in highly populated areas around the world - this is a big deal. See these articles if you are interested in reading about it:

World Economic Forum: This is the effect coronavirus has had on air pollution all across the world

National Geographic: Pollution made COVID-19 worse. Now, lockdowns are clearing the air.

Wired: The Pandemic Has Led to a Huge, Global Drop in Air Pollution

Holy Smokes - This is my new favorite site to explore. I haven't explored it fully, but it seems to be a wealth of information and activites in all areas of learning! The title is hyperlinked to their homepage.

The picture (first picture) links you to their Earth Day activities that my own kids will be trying here today and into the weekend as well as the future!

Noted activities on their website for Earth Day:

  • Litter Clean-up Bingo/Litter Scavenger Hunt

      • Added Bonus: A nice family walk!

  • Plastic Bag Bracelets

      • Added Bonus: I know you have millions stuffed into some container somewhere that need to be reduced!

      • I've included some picture links under Nuhop's link for upcycles of plastic bags on the side.

  • Make your own planters

      • Added Bonus: Your kids will have something to take care of everyday and will be super pumped to watch something grow (even if it is just grass)!

April 13 - 17 LEGO WEEK!

Looks like it is going to be a good week to stay inside with wind, rain, and the possibility of snow... ick! So with that, let's have a building week dedicated to LEGO'S!

Below are links (click on the pictures) of a ton of ideas. These are suitable for the very young to old as well as beginners to more experienced builders!

LEGO's home page has a plethora of building ideas, videos, and games.

I like the "Classic" building ideas, which is found in the top bar.

This is one of my favorite sites for LEGO ideas... for beginner and advanced builders!

100+ Lego Building Projects (and they are organized - be still my heart!)

  • LEGO Machine & STEM Learning

  • LEGO Around the House

  • Build & Play with LEGO

  • LEGO Games

  • LEGO Building Ideas for Holidays and Seasons

  • LEGO Christmas Projects

  • LEGO Storage & Organization

Here is compilation of many peoples ideas on what to do with LEGO's (25 to be exact). This has things for the young (matching patterns, making a balance, tic tac toe, dam building, etc.) to more experienced (making portraits, marble runs/mazes, lantern, etc.).

Why haven't I seen this before?! LEGO Masters is on TV (FOX). The contestants get a theme and build accordingly. The episode I saw had kids give a story and the builders had to create the scene - totally something you could do at home! Man those kids had some crazy ideas - it was awesome!

If you and your kids want to watch the show - here it is! Click the picture above.

April 6 - 10 EASTER WEEK!

Holy smokes! It's Easter this coming weekend! How'd that happen?!

Below I've found some fun egg dying activities that are fun for all ages. Hopefully you have a few eggs you can hard boil and color up for Easter this year. Also, there is a fun little reaction that happens between vinegar and calcium carbonate (egg shell), sweet treats with egg whites, and a crystal making egg-speriment (ha!) that can be interesting to investigate as well - see below for links (click on the pictures)! Happy Easter Everyone!!

Vinegar and food coloring - easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy! Even works with brown eggs...

Don't forget you can draw on your eggs with white (or any light color) crayon before you dye them! Awesome hidden pictures/drawings revealed!

Wanting natural food dyes? Good Housekeeping as a nice assortment!

Onion Peels to dye your eggs - my Grandma Kempf used to do it this way... it is the not so fancy way to do this... but I love them this way!

This is the fancy way - so pretty! Ellie may have to give up a pair of nylons (lol) or you can use cheesecloth (or an old Gerber burp rag - I have so many of those for some reason).

You can use this technique with the regular dyes as well!

Naked Egg Experiments

I LOVE these experiments and they are so easy! They do take a small amount of time but are fun and interesting. The link provided is from the Imagination Station in Toledo and they give you tons of ideas of what you can do once you take that shell off!

Meringue treats

Three ingredients: egg whites, cream of tartar, and sugar... yum! Kids get to explore physical states of matter (liquid to solid) with a snack at the end - always a good idea!

I think you could make this into "Peep" shapes and color it too - just in time for Easter of course!


I get so excited about making crystals... these are totally fun to make and use kitchen ingredients!

If you'd rather not use real eggs, you can use plastic eggs but use some glue to paint the inside of it - gives the crystals something to "grip" and grow onto.

March 30 - April 3 PAPER AIRPLANE WEEK!

Hi everyone. I hope you all are beginning to find your schedule for this strange time and are not overwhelmed by everything. I thought this week we would go with a supply that everyone has at home - paper! See below for some ideas for some paper airplane fun and building... Click on the pictures to head to the websites for more information and how-to's.

This is a great site to show you step by step how to fold 46 different planes!

You can even sort by ability level from easy to expert and everything in between.

This website includes 3 different planes. It also has instructions for a launcher!

Use this launcher idea as a template to make one out of materials you have at home (cardboard, LEGO, K'nex, etc.) if you don't have old pieces of wood!

Possible targets you could make and use! (Sorry these are not linked.)

March 23-27 SPIRIT WEEK!

Hey guys! Click on the images above for some ideas of things to make this week. I'm trying to keep with the spirit week idea and I think FORT MAKING is an idea for Friday's pajama day!! Forts can be as simple as the blanket/pillow/clothes pins fort you made as a kid OR as intricate as making an entire fort out of cardboard. You have all week to make it so let's see what you got!!